I have 3 computers, A, B, and C, and I perform identical operating system and software installations on them. For any specific file on A, can I expect that same file on B and C to have the same inode number for its instance of that file?
Our intrusion detection system is set up by acquiring an initial file system image from A and then using that same file system image to do future comparisons against A, B, and C. I am new to the program, but it seems that this has worked in the past.
I don't know how the inode number sequencing works, so I'm guessing it just starts at 1 and counts up for each file, or something similar. If that's the case, that's probably why file inode numbers have been consistent even across computers for us in the past - the same files were created in the same order. Though I'm not sure if we can always count on that.
However, now I am getting notifications of a few files changed, and for the first file I am looking into it is only the file inode number which has changed. I think someone reinstalled the operating system and software on the computer with the notifications.
Can file inode numbers be counted on to be the same across identical OS/software installs on different computers (or sequential re-installs on the same computer)?
If I were to acquire a new file system image from either A, B, or C, can I expect that to fix my "problem" (not even sure if it's a problem)?
I generally have access to only 1 or 2 of the computers at a time, so I cannot inspect A or C right now, and I do not know what their report would look like. I only know that the inode number of at least 1 file on computer B is not what was expected.
In this case, the operating system is QNX 6. For file system type, mount
tells me that the /dev/hd file's are "on / type qnx4"... so file system type qnx4? I guess qnx has its own file system type? I didn't realize that. Or maybe that's no accurate. Other commands for checking file system type do not seem to exist on the computer.
Update: Apparently I was mistaken about something. Although our reference data on the original state of the file system does include files' inode numbers and I have the option to include that in the test, I was not supposed to include the inode data in this check that I described in the question, and "It worked in the past" is because of this. So I do not actually need what I have asked for here after all, sorry about that. I will leave this question open though since I still find it interesting and a partial answer has been started in the comments.
echo test1>test1
thenecho test2>test2
, and test2's inode number was 1 higher than test1's (ie: file1's: 1234, file2's: 1235) @Kusalananda Also, I will look into the links you provided. Thank you.2>log1 | bar 2>log2
may completely defeat it, since there's no telling in which orderlog1
will be created (trying that withwatch(1)
show that the two files will swap inodes quite frequently, the more busy the system, the faster ;-)).