When trying to install some (though not all) packages from AUR using yay or pacaur, such as rstudio-desktop or zotero, I get the following errors (translated from German):

:: checking integrity of zotero...
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD contains CRLF characters and cannot be executed.
:: preparing zotero...
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD contains CRLF characters and cannot be executed.
:: failed to verify integrity or prepare zotero package
:: failed to verify integrity or prepare zotero package

This is right after a new install and update of Manjaro. It did not occur after another new install yesterday.

I can confirm that in ~/.cache/pacaur/ and ~/.cache/yay/ there are PKGBUILDs with CRLF, which also return if I delete them and retry.

1 Answer 1


This is related to the GIT configuration option autocrlf

Comment this line in your GIT configuration (usually ~/.gitconfig)


and try again.

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