Os ubuntu.
Need to get links or more data (for example binding layer from QuarkXPress application) from pdf to text, in terminal.
Tried pdftotext, but seems links are not exported, pdfgrep is the same.
Is there any solution?
You could try and extract the /URI(...)
PDF directives by hand, maybe after removing compression if any using pdftk
pdftk file.pdf output - uncompress | grep -aPo '/URI *\(\K[^)]*'
Using pdfx and filtering all lines starting with - http
pdfx -v file.pdf | sed -n 's/^- \(http\)/\1/p'
First, you need to check if your pdf is compressed or not, see:
How to know if a PDF file is compressed or not and to (un)compress it
If it's compressed, you need to uncompress it.
Then, you can extract links using grep
and sed
strings uncompressed.pdf | grep -Eo '/URI \(.*\)' | sed 's/^\/URI (//g; s/)$//g'
Test this:
pdftotext -raw "filename.pdf" && file=`ls -tr | tail -1`; grep -E "https?://.*" "${file}" && rm "${file}"
..., but you can just send output to stdout instead of using a temporary file: pdftotext -raw "filename.pdf" - | grep ...
(From man pdftotext
: If text-file is ´-', the text is sent to stdout.
? it just works for me, maybe you could share a sample PDF file...pdfannotextractor