I thought Moving tmux pane to window was the same question but it doesn't seem to be.
Coming from using GNU screen regularly, I'm looking for tmux to do the same things. On of the things I do regularly is have a couple of different windows open, one with some code open in vim, and a couple of terminals windows open to test the code, and sometimes a window or two for various other things. I split the screen vertically and will often have the vim window in the top pane and then one of the other windows in the bottom bane.
The main commands I then use are Ctrla,Tab to rotate among the panes and Ctrla,n to rotate between the windows within a pane. For instance, with vim in the top pane, I switch to the bottom pane and then rotate through the other terminals, doing whatever I need. The screen stays split the whole time.
The problem is I can't find comparable capability to screen's Ctrla,n in tmux. Switching windows seems to not work inside a pane, but jumps entirely. If the screen is split the only two options seem to be to jump to some window that isn't split and then split it or to do a sub-split of a pane. Neither are what I was looking for.
Suggestions (besides just sticking with screen)?
a window can be split into multiple panes. Are you trying to cycle between panes in a window with a keybind?swap-pane
? If you are looking to emulate screen'sCtrl-a n
, then the tmux equivalent isCtrl-b n