I'm using a special way that can let me visit google. It is very different in the page now... So I can edit the question and comment the answers normally. I deleted more early discussions and go to the point.

I want to stop tailing and return 0 when keywords are found for the script to execute next commands. If keywords are not found after one minute, the whole script will be stopped to return an error code. I'm using set -euxo pipefail that is necessary.

timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 --pid=$(ps -ef | grep "sed /$keywords" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') $log_file | sed "/$keywords/q"

The command above which I used before seamed ok when I tested. But in Jenkins, sometimes it returned "Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure" when the keywords were found.

I've found the reason when I restarted the program manually. It returned code 141. So I looked up the code, and found it is related with tail -f and pipe | in http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/sigpipe_handling.html.

I modified a command in other questions for my purpose. It seemed fine except that "tail -Fn 0 balabala.log" still remained in the background, which disappeared in several minutes. But it is nearest to the target.

{ sed /"$keywords"/q; kill -13 $!; } < <(exec timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 $log_file)

It's beyond my comprehension... I looked up the usages but still feel uncertain.

  1. I changed kill -s PIPE "$!" to kill -13 $! to shorten the script.
  2. I'm still confused about the usage of { } < <(). They are like alien words to me...
  3. Can exec be deleted? It seems different from not writting it.
  4. What's wrong with the tail in the background? Is it dangerous if I start many programs in the same time?

Here is the log in Jenkins:

+ keywords='cloud-service-notice has been started successfully'
+ log_file=/data/jars/logs/info.cloud-service-notice.log
+ cd /data/jars/cloud-service-notice
+ nohup java -jar /data/jars/cloud-service-notice/cloud-service-notice.jar --spring.profiles.active=test
+ sed '/cloud-service-notice has been started successfully/q'
++ exec timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 /data/jars/logs/info.cloud-service-notice.log
2019-07-02 10:31:12,544 [main] INFO  o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.prepareRefresh[588] - Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@54a097cc: startup date [Tue Jul 02 10:31:12 CST 2019]; root of context hierarchy
2019-07-02 10:31:33,860 [main] INFO  c.enneagon.service.notice.NoticeApp.main[24] - cloud-service-notice has been started successfully
+ kill -13 20021
+ ssh web01 'cd /data/releases/cloud-service-notice/20190702-104108/.. &&' 'ls -1 | sort -r | awk '\''FNR > 20  {printf("rm -rf %s\n", $0);}'\'' | bash'
Finished: SUCCESS

The process 20021 was timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 balabala.log. After the script finished, the process 20023 tail -Fn 0 balabala.log remained, and disappeared a few minutes later.

[root@web01 scripts]# ps -ef | grep notice
root     20020     1 27 10:41 ?        00:01:07 java -jar /data/jars/cloud-service-notice/cloud-service-notice.jar --spring.profiles.active=test
root     20023     1  0 10:41 ?        00:00:00 tail -Fn 0 /data/jars/logs/info.cloud-service-notice.log
root     20461 18966  0 10:45 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto notice

I will answer my question with this command, but I'm not sure about it. I tested it in my local machines, and will put it in our production environment for further test.

After many tests, I finally changed the command to this:

{ sed /"$keywords"/q; kill $!; } < <(exec timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 $log_file)

-13 just be removed. That is the reason why tail -Fn 0 balabala.log remained. I can answer the four questions above roughly:

  1. kill -15 is better because I added timeout in this command. $! is the pid of timeout. tail -Fn 0 balabala.log is a sub process here and using default number 15 can kill it.
  2. It is just a process substitution and multiple processes using {...}. I can even ignore kill because after 1 minute timeout will kill itself in the background. So this command without kill is still acceptable: sed /"$keywords"/q < <(exec timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 $log_file). In this situation, it will always return 0.
  3. Better not. There will be two upper-level processes shown when the command is executed. But it will be all right after finishing.
  4. The reason is in "1" above. timeout was killed, but tail was left.
  • After you finish tailing, you could grep -A 1 $keyword | tail -n 1 so you get the line after your keyword. (or tail -n 2 but you get the idea)
    – KuboMD
    Commented Jun 28, 2019 at 18:36
  • One reason could be that tail buffers its output, and when it gets the success line, it hasn't filled its buffer. It times out, timeout kills it, flushing the buffers, which go to sed, and you see the line in the output from sed. Try using stdbuf or unbuffer, etc. to disable buffering. Also, please don't use code formatting when quoting people.
    – muru
    Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 14:55
  • 1
    @KuboMD, I think the OP meant that tail won't exit after it has written an extra line after sed has exited (after the keyword has been found). Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 15:12

3 Answers 3


You could do something like:

sh -c 'echo "$$"; exec tail -f file' | (
  IFS= read -r pid
  timeout 60 sed "/$keyword/q"
  kill -s PIPE "$pid"

Unless you have enabled the pipefail option, that will exit with the exit status of kill which should be 0 unless tail has exited of its own (which shouldn't happen in practice).

With pipefail, that would exit with the exit status of tail killed by a SIGPIPE, (which most shells represent with a value of 141). You can always append a || true to force a success exit status.

See also:

  • Thanks, but it always returned 141, or 0 when added with || true.
    – BlueRoyale
    Commented Jul 2, 2019 at 3:38

I think what's happening here is a race condition. tail --pid=... is depending on tail checking and realising that the tracked PID has died before it gets a SIGPIPE (usually signal no. 13, corresponding to the 128+13=141 exit status you got) from trying to write to a pipe broken by sed terminating. The manual only says "shortly after that process terminates, tail will also terminate", so the checking might not be frequent.

Anyway, if tail did get killed by SIGPIPE, that means (usually) sed has got the line you wanted and has quit, so that should also be a success condition for you. And I'd suggest treating it as exactly that, using an if block to protect against set -e, and explicitly checking the exit status:

if timeout tail ... | sed ...; ret=$?; then
    : # do nothing, success
elif [ "$ret" != 141 ]  # not sigpipe, sed didn't quit, so failure
    exit "$ret"

Aside: you said the script uses #/bin/bash. That should be #! with an exclamation mark, not just #. Without that the script would be run with sh, and that might be why your attempt to use process substitution (<(...) is process, not command, substitution) is a syntax error. Double check that.

I know you said you want a one liner, but a complicated one-liner is not always the best solution when it comes to maintainability. Use multiple lines if that means it's easier to document what you're doing.

  • Thanks! I changed the keywords, so that it could reach one minute, to imitate a failure situation. But it got code 0.
    – BlueRoyale
    Commented Jul 2, 2019 at 3:39

I've found a command. Details are in the question.

{ sed /"$keywords"/q; kill $!; } < <(exec timeout 1m tail -Fn 0 $log_file)

#!/bin/bash and set -euxo pipefail are needed if in a script, which must be executed by bash, not sh, though linked to bash in CentOS.

  • I've tested this command for a week and it works well, so I'll mark this answer the right one that solved the problem. Thanks to @Stéphane Chazelas! I just added timeout in your command at the end of unix.stackexchange.com/questions/416150/…, and it touched my target! I'm still waiting for the answers of the doubts in my question. Hope somebody could answer them, thanks.
    – BlueRoyale
    Commented Jul 6, 2019 at 13:31

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