So i have this text:
2019/06/16 22:36:28 (UNIVERSE) * @{EE3F}Trytrytry sagt: @{F80F}going afk for a bit
I want to color the whole line in red for example. Then remove the unecessary parts to:
22:36:28 Trytrytry sagt: going afk for a bit
The removing of the parts is works already, but when i add:
norm="$(printf '\033[0m')"
boldred="$(printf '\033[0;1;31m')"
sed -ue s/UNIVERSE/${boldred}&${norm}/g
It only colorize UNIVERSE and show it up, but i don't want let it show. I want to color the whole line where UNIVERSE was. So just adding color. So lets say:
IF (UNIVERSE) THEN color the line red in terminal, but let it be clean and don't show up the removed parts.
Any ideas?