I would like to write an image at two SD cards at the same time. I envision at least two concurrent writing scenarios:
- Is it possible to write the image with a
or similar bifurcating mechanism? Is it possible to execute the cat or pv command from two different BASH shells?
sudo sh -c 'pv sdcard.image >/dev/sdb' sudo sh -c 'pv sdcard.image >/dev/mmcblk0' sudo sh -c 'cat sdcard.image >/dev/sdb' sudo sh -c 'cat sdcard.image >/dev/mmcblk0'
I can foresee a problem in that if the two targets can be written at different rates, then it may be necessary to throttle write speed down so as to not overload the slower writer. The image is large: the ability to burn multiple targets is a significant advantage.
at the same time
? Do you just want ONE command to write both devices with the image?