I would like to join data from two CSV files based on matching column information. The data to match is from File1.csv column 5, and File2 column 1, and i want to append the information from File2 column 2 upon match, and if no match leave empty double quotes.




"","374 22 53"
"","123 256 51"
"","23 25 41"
"","98 77 8291"
"","8827 145 8291"
"","283 1 5734"

Desired Output

"Z","P","W","K","1","","23 25 41"
"S","K","D","X","9","","8827 145 8291"
"R","M","P","Y","8","","98 77 8291"
"B","D","0","U","5","","283 1 5734"
"K","D","K","R","9","","123 256 51"

3 Answers 3


Here's one solution, using awk. Tested on GNU awk 4.1.3.

$ awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2}NR!=FNR{print $0","(a[$6]?a[$6]:"\"\"")}' file2.csv file1.csv
"Z","P","W","K","1","","23 25 41"
"S","K","D","X","9","","8827 145 8291"
"R","M","P","Y","8","","98 77 8291"
"B","D","0","U","5","","283 1 5734"
"K","D","K","R","9","","123 256 51"
  • The NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2 matches the lines in file2, and adds them into an array, keyed on field #1.
  • The NR!=FNR then matches the lines in file1.
  • print $0"," prints the whole line from file1 followed by a comma.
  • (a[$6]?a[$6]:"\"\"") prints the corresponding contents of the array built earlier, but just "" if no entry found.

This turned out to be harder than I expected, but with the tools from the python-based csvkit version 1.0.2:

$ csvjoin -HI -c 6,1 --left File1.csv File2.csv 2>/dev/null | csvformat -K1 -U1
"Z","P","W","K","1","","23 25 41"
"S","K","D","X","9","","8827 145 8291"
"R","M","P","Y","8","","98 77 8291"
"B","D","0","U","5","","283 1 5734"
"K","D","K","R","9","","123 256 51"

(The -I seems to be necessary to prevent csvjoin from guessing that the dot-separated fields are datetimes, at least in my locale.)

for i in `cat file2.csv | awk -F "," '{print $1}'| sed 's/"//g'`; do j=`sed -n '/'$i'/p' file2.csv| awk -F "," '{print $2}'| sed 's/"//g'`;awk -v i="$i" -v j="$j" -F "," '$NF==i{$7=j;print $0}' file1.csv; done| sed 's/ /","/g'| sed 's/^/"/g'| sed 's/$/"/g'


"Z","P","W","K","1","","23 25 41"
"S","K","D","X","9","","8827 145 8291"
"R","M","P","Y","8","","98 77 8291"
"B","D","0","U","5","","283 1 5734"
"K","D","K","R","9","","123 256 51"

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