I am trying to align these columns
super+t sticky toggle
super+Shift+space floating toggle
super+Shift+r restart
super+Shift+d mode $mode_launcher
super+Shift+c reload
super+r mode resize
super+Return i3-sensible-terminal
super+q kill
super+n Nautilus scratchpad show
super+m neomutt scratchpad show
super+minus scratchpad show
super+f fullscreen toggle
super+c bar mode toggle
super+button2 kill
super+alt+x systemctl -i suspend
super+alt+v cmus
super+alt+m neomutt
super+alt+c ~/bin/editinvim
super+alt+b ranger
I have tried to use awk
but no luck there.
The preferred format is like
super+Shift+d mode $mode_launcher
super+alt+c ~/bin/editinvim
super+alt+b ranger