I am using grep within a script to obtain a list of filenames of the files that contain a certain string. The basic instruction would be this one within a do loop:
if grep -q "$str" Inputs/inp$n; then
echo inp$n >> file_list.txt
And something like this to get the lines themselves for verification purposes:
grep "$str" Files/inp$n >> lines.txt
What I would like to do is prevent some false positives from showing up in the output when looking for certain strings. I would like to get the lines containing "abc#", where "#" is a number (multiple digits possible), but I do not want the specific word "abcde" from appearing when I am searching for the string "abc". Note that "abc#" and "abcde" are not present in the same line within these files.
Is there any way to tell grep to ignore the lines that contain "abcde" among those containing "abc"?
grep 'abc[0-9]' "Inputs/inp$n"