Suppose I want to edit a new libvirt XML file:

virsh dumpxml machine1 > machine2.xml

Then I open the file with vim,

vim machine2.xml

and then I want to change the UUID. Now do this, I use

:r ! uuidgen

But the new UUID is inserted under the current line:


How may I insert the output of the uuidgen command into the current line, so that if I have


(with the cursor between ><), then, by executing uuidgen I get


The question is: is possible to use the :r vim command without adding a new line?


5 Answers 5


:read is an Ex command; these unfortunately always work on complete lines. You either have to work around that by first splitting and then later joining with the preceding and following lines, or you use a different command.

The :help i_CTRL-R command can insert any register contents. There's a special expression register (:help quote=) that executes any Vimscript expression and uses its result. Finally, the system() function executes an external command and returns its output.

So (in insert mode) <C-R>=system('uuidgen')<CR> will insert the command's output at the current position. Unfortunately, the output has a trailing newline, and that is preserved, so </uuid> moves to the next line. To avoid that, you can truncate the output, either via system('uuidgen')[0:-2] or substitute(system('uuidgen'), '\n$', '', '') as the expression.

For repeated inserts, the expression history can be used to recall the last expression (by pressing <Up>); for even more comfort, you can define a mapping for the whole thing.

  • This works great! I was wondering how I would map the following sequence to a normal mode mapping: 1. visual highlight of a current UUID. 2. 'c' to enter insert mode, and finally 3. executing the <C-R>=system .... I'm already stuck at figuring out how to to step 1. the dashes in UUIDs make the selection of one whole UUID a bit challenging (other that using 'inside double-quote' for cases where the UUID are enclosed in quotes) Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 9:43
  • 1
    @ChristophWegener As long as you don't have to deal with the two dashes / non-dashes variants, the length of a UUID should be constant, right? So v25l (selecting 36 characters for the dashed variant) would do the selection, assuming you're at the start. However, I would favor a plugin-based solution (e.g. using my TextTransform plugin), and those typically allow selection of the target text via a regular expression ('\%(^\|\X\)\zs\x\{8}-\?\x\{4}-\?\x\{4}-\?\x\{4}-\?\x\{12}\ze\%(\X\|$\)'. Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 8:36

I had a play around and this doesn't do exactly as you want as :r will always enter a newline. But it should do what you want for a result.

:.!UUID=`uuidgen` ; echo "<uuid>$UUID</uuid>"

It puts the stdout on the current line (not at the cursor) - the smarts are done with the command that is being invoked.

  • It create also a newline, is a nice workaround, so for the moment I consider as right answer
    – elbarna
    Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 22:47
  • I know why - use printf instead of echo and it should be fine
    – hqqns
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 1:09
fu! SetBang(v) range
        if a:v == 1
                normal gv
        let l:t = &shellredir
        let &shellredir = ">%s\ 2>/dev/tty"
        let @" = join(systemlist(input("\"!"))," ")
        let &shellredir = l:t
nnoremap "! :cal SetBang(0)<cr>
xnoremap "! :cal SetBang(1)<cr>

Every time you press "!, the user will be prompted for a command, and the "unnamed" " register will be filled with it. You can then insert it as usual, with P in normal or visual mode, with Ctrl-R" in insert mode, etc.

For instance, having the text (caret showed by |):


and pressing "!uuidgen<Enter>P will insert the new uuid at the caret.

You could of course use other binding instead of "!.


No but you do the following sequence.

Place cursor where you want to insert


Press i <CR> ^[ k :r !uuidgen k 3J x


You can also edit the XML directly without even using vim.

For example given <uuid></uuid> as part of the file you can insert or update the value:

echo '<uuid></uuid>' |
    xmlstarlet edit --update '//uuid' -v "$(uuidgen)"


<?xml version="1.0"?>

This can allow you to template VM definitions and customise them programmatically.

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