So I've made a btrfs filesystem that spans across one logical drive (md1) and a USB drive. its all raid 0. so that:
sata/ \
btrfs called "Storage"
I've put a line in fstab using UUID=
UUID=2cf6d402-7279-4bdd-b0f8-6931c5db9fe1 /media/<user>/Storage auto x-gvfs-show 0 0
When I mount it via command line ie sudo mount -a everything mounts normally and the only mount point is /media/user/Storage
However, if I reboot it mounts twice for some reason. I get one at /m/u/Storage and another at /m/u/Storage1.
I've noticed this has something to do with the label because before it used to mount at /m/u/btrfs and /mnt/Storage, only the latter of which was in my /etc/fstab.
has me scratching my head. PS, ubuntu mini iso installation with mate-desktop-minimal, 18.04 lts. normal kernel fresh install all packages up to date. I'm making a nas
EDIT: I've commented out the fstab and rebooted. The filesystem still mounts at /media/user/Storage. Is this normal BTRFS behavior in ubuntu? And can it be switched off? I wouldn't mind this if I could change its mountpoint; I don't want it in the user directory.
?) that mounts your USB drive.