The Redhat kickstart documentation describes how to deselect/exclude packages in the packages section - i.e. one may put -
in front of a package name to exclude it.
But it doesn't fully work in this example (when installing CentOS 7):
Anaconda still installs some of the excluded packages, i.e.:
Why aren't all excluded? How to I effectively include more of them?
Note that after the first reboot yum remove *firmware
does select linux-firmware for removal without any dependencies.
Removal of the others would also remove some inverse-dependent packages - e.g. for teamd the NetworkManager-team package. The only dramatic one is pinentry, which is required by yum, and thus yum rightfully refuses to remove it.
group default packages and might be installed therefore?@core
(in the Default Packages section) but also many others like postfix and iwl*firmware which are properly excluded.