I have file which I want to extract and rearrange certain data , Old file contains a raw data this file is Input


and the below file is the New file contains the required output


Explanation:for eample sid:45917 there are four references they are (reference:cve,2016-10033 reference:cve,2016-10034 reference:cve,2016-10045 reference:cve,2016-10074), we need to split each reference and append sid one below the other (note: sid is always followed by reference), like this there are repetitive blocks, so if there are multiple references we need to append them in New file order.

  • I have no idea what your goal is. Please try explaining more precisly what your input and expected output is.
    – Panki
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 12:34
  • Please copy your complete input data as a code block, not as a picture.
    – Bodo
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 14:36
  • Kindly post the input data and required output Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 15:58
  • Guys edited, Please have a look.
    – chandu
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 17:25
  • example and explanation are conflicting. In the source, is sid: before or after reference: ?
    – DrYak
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 17:33

2 Answers 2


As you seem to use post-ponned sid:s (multipe references: followed by their single sids: => pairs of references: and sid:), two solution.

Solution 1 : reversing

Simple use the tac command (it's cat in the reverse order) to reverse the input and the output : tac input | awk | tac > output

For awk part, just duplicate the sid:s:

gawk '/^sid:/{sid=$0};/^reference:/{print sid "\n" $0}'

Solution 2 : array

Store the reference:s in an array as they come and then spit them back out when encountering corresponding sid:

gawk 'BEGIN{r=0};/^reference:/{ref[r++]=$0};/^sid:/{for(n=0;n<r;n++){print ref[n] "\n" $0};r=0}' /tmp/test.txt

/^reference:/{ref[r++]=$0} : for each line which begins by ref... store the line in an array and move the 'r' pointer to the next element.

/^sid:/{for(n=0;n<r;n++){print ref[n] "\n" $0};r=0} : whenever a line begins with sid, walk the whole array until the r pointer (for...) and for each element, print the stored ref and the current line (=sid), then reset the r back to beginning so we begin again with the next references.

  • Solution 2 : I have tried it works , please @DrYark kindly explain me the solution 2. just osm*
    – chandu
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 18:23
awk 'BEGIN { i=0; }
/^reference:/ { ref[i++] = $0; }
/^sid:/ { for(j=0; j<i; j++) { print ref[j]; print; } i=0; }' inputfile > outputfile


  • BEGIN { i=0; } Initialize variable to make sure it is interpreted as a numeric value 0, not as an empty string "".
  • /^reference:/ { ref[i++] = $0; } For every line that starts with reference: (^ is an anchor to the beginning of the line) copy the whole line $0 to an array element ref[i] and increment the index i++
  • /^sid:/ { ... } for every line that startts with sid: ...
  • for(j=0; j<i; j++) { ... } As i points to the array element after the last used one, loop over all array elements that have been written to using index j,
  • print ref[j]; print the contents of the array element, i.e. a saved reference: line
  • print; print the current line, i.e. the sid: line
  • i=0; reset the array index to the beginning for the next group of reference: lines

The script is based on the following assumptions:

  • The input consists of a series of block where every block contains
    • a sequence of one or more reference: lines followed by
    • a single sid: line
  • The last line must be a sid: line.
  • Non-matching lines will be ignored.

With the original question I assumed the wrong direction of the conversion. The second script converts in the opposite direction:

awk 'BEGIN { oldsid=""; ref=""; }
/^reference:/ { ref=$0; }
/^sid:/ { if(oldsid != $0) { if(oldsid != "") print oldsid; } if(ref!="")print ref; oldsid=$0; }
END { if (oldsid != "") print oldsid; }' inputfile > outputfile


  • BEGIN { oldsid=""; ref=""; } Initialize variables for clarity, not really necessary.
  • /^reference:/ { ref=$0; } For every line that startts with reference: save the line $0 to variable ref, don't print it yet.
  • /^sid:/ { ... } For every line that starts with sid: ...
  • if(oldsid != $0) { if(oldsid != "") print oldsid; } If the sid: line has changed now, the last reference: line saved in ref belongs to the new sid:, so we don't print it yet. If oldsid is not empty we can print it now as the previous block of reference: lines with the same sid: is finished. oldsid will be empty when we find the first sid:.
  • if(ref!="")print ref; If we have a saved reference:, print it now. (Either we have just closed the previous block with the corresponding sid: line or we know now that the current reference: has the same sid: as the previous one.) The check for empty string is not really necessary as I assume every sid: line is preceded by a reference: line.
  • oldsid=$0; save the current sid: line for the comparison when we get the next one. The current line is not printed yet.
  • END { if (oldsid != "") print oldsid; } At the end print the last saved sid: line if there is any. (If the input file is empty it will not print an empty line here.)

This script is based on these assumptions:

  • every reference: is followed by a sid:
  • all pairs of reference: and sid: with the same sid: line follow each other
  • Sorry edited, Please check
    – chandu
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 17:25
  • Thanks @Bodo request you to kindly explain me the awk second snippet.Magic
    – chandu
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 18:24
  • @chandu: I added explanation for both awk scripts
    – Bodo
    Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 8:07
  • Thanks @Bodo for your time and so nicely explained..
    – chandu
    Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 17:16

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