I am an academic medical physicist. I do experiments that generate a fair amount of data, and they are expensive to run. My university has a backup system that consists of a robot tape library in a disused salt mine that uses IBM's Spectrum Protect (invoked as dsmc
) that I use for off site backups. Although there is no limit on the total size I can send to the salt mine, there is a per-day transfer limit of 200 gigabytes. As far as I know, there is no way to get the Spectrum Protect client to respect this limit, and stop after the transfer limit is reached.
If one busts this limit, the server locks the node and I have to send a grovelling apologetic email to someone to ask them to unlock it. They tell me off for using too much bandwidth, and, something like 24-48 hours later, unlock the node.
To get around the fact that I create data in discrete chunks (on experiment days) and am well under the bandwidth limit on a per-month or per-week basis, I've written a simple wrapper script to parse the output of dsmc
and kill the transfer if it gets too large.
The parsing is done via treating the output of dsmc
as a here doc in bash with a simple python script:
# A silly wrapper script to halt TSM backups
# Usage: sudo /path/to/script /path/to/backup/location
# Requires python3 accessible as python3, and the regex / os modules.
# Tested on MacOS and Linux
#MAX_SIZE_TO_SEND=150 #Bytes, for testing
sudo rm -f /tmp/dsmc-script.PID
function outputParser() {
python3 <<'EOF'
import os, re
rex=re.compile(r"Normal File\-\-\>\s*?([,0-9]*,?)\s*?\/")
stringToReturn = str(match.group(1));
stringToReturn =stringToReturn.replace(',','');
except AttributeError:
stringToReturn = "";
#Check for failed transfers
failedResults = re.findall(r"\*\* Unsuccessful \*\*", valueToParse);
nFailedResults = len(failedResults);
if (nFailedResults >0):
stringToReturn = "";
} #I am sure that the above is a one-liner in sed or awk. I just don't know what the one line is.
function trapCaught() {
#Do cleanup, not shown
echo ", quitting."
trap trapCaught sigint
while read -r line; do
echo "$line"
export line;
X=$(export line=$line; outputParser)
if [[ ! -z "$X" ]]; then
echo "Sent $X bytes, $BYTES_SENT in total"
if (( BYTES_SENT > MAX_SIZE_TO_SEND )); then
if (( killCount < 1)); then
killStartTime=$(( SECONDS - startTime ))
pid=$(cat /tmp/dsmc-script.PID)
echo "PID is $pid"
echo $pid | sudo xargs kill
killCount=$[$killCount + 1];
timeKillNow=$(( SECONDS - killStartTime ))
rm -f /tmp/dsmc-script.PID
if (( killCount > 100 || timeKillNow > 30 )); then
echo "Taking too long to die; retrying"
echo $pid | sudo xargs kill -9;
sleep 0.1;
sudo kill -9 0;
done < <( sudo dsmc incr ${args[0]} & echo $! > /tmp/dsmc-script.PID )
This works, and suits my purposes. However, performance is bad bordering on terrible, and I think this is because each iteration through the while
loop spins out another instance of the python interpreter / script combo.
Given that I can't change the limit, or the behaviour of the binary compiled blob dsmc
, I have three related questions:
(a) Is this a sensible approach for solving this problem, or is there a much easier way that I am missing, such as advanced voodoo with netstat
(b) Given that what python actually does is essentially exactly the same through each iteration in the loop, is there a way to cache the interpreter's translation of the code and hence speed the whole thing up hugely?
(c ) If I were to replace the python script with an equivalent sed
or awk
construct, I suspect this whole thing would be much, much faster. Why? Is it possible to do this type of arithmetic easily, or is that another red herring to go down?
Edit: Example output from dsmc
for those not familiar is below -- a file is only sent if "Normal file" appears in a string, followed by its size in bytes. So, in the below, the file spclicert.kdb
is sent, but neither TSM.PWD
and nor the directory CaptiveNetworkSupport
# dsmc incr /
< header message containing personal information>
Incremental backup of volume '/'
ANS1898I ***** Processed 79,000 files *****
Directory--> 0 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/CaptiveNetworkSupport [Sent]
Normal File--> 5,080 /Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/Nodes/SHUG2765-MACBOOKPRO-PHYSICS/spclicert.kdb [Sent]
Updating--> 224 /Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager/BrokenOrOld/TSM.PWD (original) [Sent]
So, the above script strips out the size in bytes of each file sent and simply adds them up.
could speed it up to an extent, but one can't really suggest way, if we don't know how the input looks likegawk 'match( $0, /Normal\sFile-->\s+([0-9,]+)/, a) && gsub(/,/ , "" , a[1]) { print a[1] }' <<< "${line}"
. This will just extract the file size (without commas) from lines containing the string "Normal file-->".