If I'm chatting w/ someone via GAIM, and the chat idles for a certain amount of time, GAIM creates a new logfile when the chat resumes. Example from /home/barrycarter/.gaim/logs/jabber/[email protected]/id-of-person/
2010-06-10.094139-0600MDT.txt [mod time: 2010-06-10 14:35]
2010-06-08.140656-0600MDT.txt [mod time: 2010-06-08 16:00]
These are actually the same conversation, with a gap from "2010-06-08
16:00" to "2010-06-10 09:41:39". How would I tell GAIM: "if the
conversation idle is less than <n>
hours, don't create a new log
Note: The above is just an example: in reality, I probably wouldn't want the same log file after a 2 day gap (a 20 hour gap, maybe).