I have a tab delimited input file. Some numeric field values have a minus sign in the midst of the value such as 000-45.123. I need the - to be on left side like this instead: -00045.123

So if tab delimited input file contains: (spaces are tabs)

ABC 000-45.123 0-765.43 DEF 00-54 XYZ

then I want result to be

ABC -00045.123 -0765.43 DEF -0054 XYZ

All the number values with an embedded “-“ begin with 1 or more zeros and no other characters.

Note: I don't have these options available: sed -r or sed -E


2 Answers 2


With GNU sed:

Change order from number and minus to minus and number.

sed -r 's/([0-9]+)(-)/\2\1/g' file


ABC     -00045.123      -0765.43        DEF     -0054   XYZ

See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

  • As long as the input is as described in the question (All the number values with an embedded “-” begin with 1 or more zeros and no other characters.), this will work. But, if the input contains “867‑5309”, this will output “‑8675309”. Why not just do 0+ instead of [0-9]+? Commented Apr 21, 2019 at 2:37


TAB=$(printf '\t')
sed "s/^\(00*\)-/-\1/;s/${TAB}\(00*\)-/$TAB-\1/g"

We need to consider the two cases of the first field (00- at the start of the line) or the other fields (00- following a TAB).

With sed implementations supporting -E (for extended regular expressions) and shells supporting $'...' (both of which are likely to make it into a future version of the POSIX specification), you can simplify it to:

sed -E $'s/(^|\t)(0+)-/\1-\2/g'


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