I'm running centos7. I installed puppet. if I write puppet
as a user, I get a proper output. If I write sudo puppet
I get command not found
The really weird thing is, if I do sudo su -
and become root, then write puppet
, I get the normal output that I get when I run it with the normal user...
[unu@centosmaster puppet]$ puppet
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands
[unu@centosmaster puppet]$ sudo puppet
sudo: puppet: command not found
[unu@centosmaster puppet]$ sudo su -
Last login: Wed Sep 19 08:41:20 EDT 2018 on pts/0
[root@centosmaster ~]# puppet
See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands
This, to me, makes absolutely no sense...
variable is the same for root and normal user.
sudo su -
. Either just usesu -
or, if you don't have the root password, usesudo -i