In zsh, executing the directory path will cd into it. I want to make bash shell to behave the same. The idea is to check and see if the error is bash: /xyz: Is a directory and cd into '/xyz' and silence the error message. For this to work I need a custom error handler. trap catches signals and the mentioned error does not create a signal (or does it?).

This is not about the bash script, but the actual bash shell one uses every day. Is it possible?


1 Answer 1


Totally my bad. trap "errHandler" ERR actually works, a typo kept me looking for solution for two hours. Must look into the plugin oh-my-zsh has activated for me by default, because zsh has no such behavior by default.

And by the way, the easy method is to use autocd added in bash 4.0: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/55424

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