I have an embedded Linux on a custom board and I would like to send and receive file over its serial port.
The only way to communicate with this device is over serial and the device offers a console on this serial port.
This board doesn't have kermit
neither busybox rx
nor lrzsz
- Sending file to remote
I was able to send file to the board following this thread.
Host side Remote side
cat file | base64 > file_b64
cat > file_b64
minicom's ctrlA-S => send 'file_b64'
cat file_b64 | base64 --decode > file
- Getting file from remote
Now I would like to retrieve a file from remote system.
Minicom has a tool for receiving files but as I only have the serial port's console using minicom to issue commands on remote side, I can't find how to do it.
I have tried using kermit on host side but it seems that I also needs to have kermit on the remote side.
I have also tried to reverse the sending method but with no success as i receive nothing from serial port on host side.
Host side Remote side
cat file | base64 > file_b64
(sleep 10; cat file_b64 > /dev/ttyS0) &
minicom's ctrlA-X => exit minicom
cat /dev/ttyUSB0 > file_b64
Can't use minicom's receive tool cause it only support xmodem
, ymodem
, zmodem
and kermit
tranfers and not ascii.
Is there a way to retrieve files from remote without having to type commands into its console?
is not available on remote side