I have a Virtual Box GUI Version 5.1.14r112924 (Qt5.6.2) with a Guest OS Ubuntu-16.04.2 (64-bit) and as a host OS Windows 7 Enterprise.
My shared folder functionality and the ClipBoard mode used to work, but a few days ago, without an update from any component, the shared folder on my Guest OS was empty, while it was containing a lot of files on my host OS.
I installed the guest additions (5.2.8_KernelUbuntu r120774):
And the folder is configured like this:
So the files from my C:/LocalData/Share should be available in /media/sf_Share/ but this is not the case :(
I tried to restart the Guest OS, update the Guest Additions from an ISO image (this also gave troubles):
I already tried to remove the Optical Drive from the Virtual Box and to read it, nothing helped. I could run the ISO from the mounted drive, but this also gave me an issue:
Because it was still mounted I could install it from there but it gave me errors.
What did work be to install them using apt-get:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
I also made sure that my user is added to the vboxsf group
sudo usermod -G vboxsf -a
And the rights are ok on the folder:
This installed them, but I cannot find a way to access the files on my host OS :(
I put a lot of effort into setting up my guest OS and configuring everything. I want to avoid to start over the config just for not being able to share files and copy text between host and guest OS.
Is there something else I could try?
command on the guest?