The keyboard and mouse problem

I am running a laptop with touchpad and keyboard integrated, and I have previously had an issue where my touchpad would make my mouse go in a grid-like pattern. Upon investigating solutions to this issue, I managed to do something incredibly stupid. I removed a package that supposedly controlled my input, and now I can't log in or do anything but hold the power button down when I log into normal mode. Recovery mode works well, but Re-installing packages in recovery seem to not reflect in normal mode.

On the laptop (Lenovo Yoga 710) I have Deepin linux 15.5 installed. All I know and I can recall I did before I chose to restart it, was that i was uninstalling a package starting at: xorg-xserver-input-*but can't really specify the exact package I removed.

As I stated above, I think that my recovery mode doesn't reflect package changes on normal mode (i could be wrong), as I can't get my mouse or keyboard working at all when I then re-log into normal mode. I have tried reinstalling xorg-xserver-input-all and even tried with wildcards. Am I missing some configuration?

It's critical for me to get it working until monday, and I guess I am the reason why I made it this way. Has anyone a clue where I could start to get my mouse and keyboard working again? I tried external devices over USB ad bluetooth but none of the input devices are recognised.

1 Answer 1


Have you got a second machine on the network you can SSH from?

If so, you can ssh in, and manually install libinput as per this documentation:


If ssh is not an option, then I would suggest booting a recovery CD/USB, mount your deepin main partition and compile libinput there as per the documentation above.

  • Oh ssh - that's a hilariously good suggestion. I'll give it a shot. I didn't realise it was was an option before now.
    – denNorske
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 13:27
  • 1
    Hello again - Didn't work through SSH, but managed to CHROOT the correct partition (/mnt/sda5) in recovery, and then reinstall the packages needed.That solved my problem. Thanks for your input, it was clever.
    – denNorske
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 9:30
  • great, glad you got it working @denNorske :) Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 11:30

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