Is there any way to keep file size of log file fixed without rotating it by a new empty file and deleting (or archiving) the old file. For example, if I set log file maximum size to 1MB, after the file size increase beyond that limit it will be automatically clamped, the text is added on 'tail' and the oldest part of text is poped out to keep the file size 1MB.
6 Answers
You could write a little bash script to do this. Just tail the file to a certain byte count using tail -c
and overwrite the file.
from man tail
-c, --bytes=N
output the last N bytes; alternatively, use +N to output bytes
starting with the Nth of each file
If the first character of N (the number of bytes or lines) is a `+',
print beginning with the Nth item from the start of each file, other‐
wise, print the last N items in the file. N may have a multiplier suf‐
fix: b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024, GB
1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.
3I am relatively sure that once you "overwrite the file" the logging will not resume automatically on the new file. Commented Aug 13, 2010 at 14:41
I'm certain the original poster has found a solution after 8 years. Here's another one for others that may read this thread...
curtail limits the size of a program's output and preserves the last 200MB of output with the following command:
run_program | curtail -s 200M myprogram.log
Your only solution may be to write your own userspace file system or contribute to an existing one. Look at the partial list at Filesystem in Userspace
If you don't have the skills to contribute, offer a project publicity or $$$ or both, to add it for you.
I wish I had the time to do it, I have always wanted something exactly like this.
You can do something similar using a FIFO, which is sort of like a zero-byte sized file.
However, note that if nothing is READING from this file, then the syslog process may become blocked, and will stop writing to ALL of your logfiles. I'm not sure if this behavior has been changed with newer versions of Ubuntu/CentOS.
One example here
For another example, try something like this.
Make your FIFO:
sudo mkfifo /var/log/everything.fifo
And add this to (r)syslog.conf, then restart syslog:
*.* |/var/log/everything.fifo
Then view the FIFO from one window:
cat /var/log/everything.fifo
And in another window, send some stuff to syslog:
logger Test1
logger Test2
logger Test3
You should see the "Test*" lines in the output of cat
This feature can be great for debugging, especially if you don't care to keep the data around for longer. For example, if you only want to see everything except for thefirewall spam, you can do something like this:
grep -vi "kernel: .* on wan" /var/log/everything.fifo
Here's my second answer. This is a pretty hackish.
Use watch(1) to repeatedly execute tail --bytes=1024
(the last 1024 bytes of the logfile, thanks to @jjclarkson for that answer).
watch --no-title tail --bytes=1024 /var/log/messages >/tmp/
And then view the file with:
less --raw-control-chars /tmp/
The difference between watch
and a while loop is that watch
will only update /tmp/ if there were changes to /var/log/messages .
while true; do
tail --bytes=1024 /var/log/messages > /tmp/
sleep 1
And well, I guess you could put a test
in the while loop so that tail is only executed if /var/log/messages was updated, but I won't figure that out now.
* prune - clips off the tops of a list of files described in the * file /etc/default/prune. Designed to be run periodically * from cron, the idea is to automatically shorten log * files that grow forever. This file contains a list of * files (full pathname), and the number of blocks that * should be retained. To retain some sanity, prune will * clip the file after the next newline. The file * /etc/default/prune should look something like: * * /usr/adm/aculog 10 * /usr/adm/leo.log 5 * /usr/adm/messages 200 * /usr/adm/sup_log 5 * * The crontab entry on infoswx for prune looks like: * * 0 5 * * * /etc/prune >/usr/adm/prune.log 2>&1 * * Compile with: cc -O -o prune prune.c * * The following defines may be adjusted to suit your taste * and your system block size. * * Ray Davis infoswx!bees 09/25/85
Many (most? all?) daemons will re-open their log files if sent a HUP signal (e.g. by same cron job that runs prune)
rm -f *.tar.gz.*