I have two .csv files (comma separated) with many rows. Below are the sample entries of these two files: n.csv:
X,I180,,,833-006366,00,N-D,,,5.2,A52.604,5.2.02,,,,,,,8471 FX,,,,,
What I want to do is:
- 1) fetch the fields: $2,$4,$8,$12,$25 of the f.csv and print them to the first columns of the new output .csv file ;
- 2) Fetch the field: $7 of n.csv file if the $2 of n.csv matches the $4 of f.csv and print it to the last column of the new output .csv file.
So the desired output should be:
I tried following command but it does print the $7 of n.csv file in the last column:
awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "," ; } FNR==NR{ne_model[$2]=$7;x[$2]=$2;next} { if ($4!="" && $4 in x) {print $2,$4,$8,$12,$25,ne_model[$2]} }' n.csv f.csv
Could you please help to figure out what I am missing?