On OpenBSD 6.3 I can see:
foo# date
Sun Apr 1 17:00:45 CEST 2018
foo# date -d "Sun Apr 1 17:00:45 CEST 2018" +%s
foo# date
Sun Apr 1 17:00:59 CEST 2018
that "date" doesn't supports the usual conversion.
The https://www.epochconverter.com/ says that the 1522594858 is:
Your time zone: Sunday, April 1, 2018 5:00:58 PM GMT+02:00 DST
So the date command I issued only returned the unix timestamp of the CURRENT time, not the time that I have given to convert: "Sun Apr 1 17:00:45 CEST 2018".
The Question: how to convert a given date to unix timestamp on OpenBSD? If not with the "date" command, what other shell tools could do it?
First I started to read: https://man.openbsd.org/date - but didn't find anything about converting to unix timestamp. Then I tried to google for many examples, but didn't helped.
flag. That seems like it could be useful. But it seems like the input format must beYYmmddHHMMSS
(unlike FreeBSD, there is no-f