I ran my Debian install wirelessly. I "just" selected wifi card, then ssid, encryption, password. Then selected DHCP, not fixed addresses.
Network connected, then I finished the installation over the network.
After boot into the new system, I expected the network to be working over wifi, just as it is when I install over Ethernet -- the settings used during installation are the settings used in the running system.
Apparently it's not so with wifi; I have to fiddle with wpa_supplicant
Is there a simple way to start wifi with the installer-used settings?
During install, /target/etc/network/interfaces contains:
# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug wlp4s0
iface wlp4s0 inet dhcp
# This is an autoconfigured IPv6 interface
iface wlp4s0 inet6 auto
wpa-ssid MYSID
wpa-psk MYPASSWD
but after installation, it doesn't contain references to the wifi interface. I saved the file during installation, and used it after install. It works, but ...
- I get a link IPv6 after 30 sec
- I get a global IPv6 after 1 minute
- I get a DHCP IPv4 after 7 minutes.
If I remove the inet6 auto line from /etc/network/interfaces:
allow-hotplug wlp4s0
iface wlp4s0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid MYSSID
wpa-psk MYPASS
I get and IPv4 AND IPv6 so fast it is already ready if I log in as fast as possible after boot.