I use manjaro deepin and even thou I love this beautiful desktop environment I really miss a keyboard shortcut that let me move a window from one monitor to the other (2 monitors).
I already tried the next script I used on XFCE:
yaourt -S --noconfirm xorg-xprop xorg-xwininfo xorg-xrandr wmctrl
git clone https://github.com/calandoa/movescreen.git
sudo mv movescreen/movescreen.py /usr/bin
rm -rf movescreen//usr/local/bin/movescreen.py
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/bin/movescreen.py
Menu | All settings | Keyboard | Application shortcuts | Add
/usr/local/bin/movescreen.py left
/usr/local/bin/movescreen.py right
but it didn't work. I tryed adding this shortcut using deepin Control Center, not the XFCE way.
How can I add a command to move a window to left/right monitor?