With the help of ProxyCommand
I set up some ssh favorites for ease of use:
host some_server
hostname some_server
port 22
user some_user
IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
ProxyCommand ssh frontserver1 -W %h:%p
host frontserver1
hostname frontserver1.url.tld
port 22
user some_user
IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
Today frontserver1
has a long downtime, but I could also connect via frontserver2
or frontserver3
. However, I would have to set up everything again like some_server_via_front2
and so on. This would result in n-entries for each intranet server (there are a lot) I want to reach, where n is the number of front servers.
Is there an easier way?
Can I setup alternatives for ProxyCommand
Something like: if ProxyCommand ssh frontserver1 -W %h:%p
is not reachable, then go for ProxyCommand ssh frontserver2 -W %h:%p
, then frontserver3
, ...