I basicly have this script:
#Asks For filname and Word
echo 'Which word are you looking for?'
read word
echo 'What's the name of the file?'
read fileName
#Searches word and parses the line-numbers
wordOut=$(grep -i -n -w $word $fileName.srt |cut -f1 -d:)
#Sets all outputs to diffrent line numbers and saves a temp file
for word in $wordOut
echo $word
done >file.tmp
#Parses lines to array, removes temp file
mapfile -t arr <file.tmp
rm file.tmp
#Declares variable for the number of array entries (not used anywhere atm)
#Subtract all array entries with one
for i in "${arr[@]}"
crc=`expr $i - $one`
echo $crc
done >two.tmp
#Subtraction result to array2
mapfile -t arr2 <two.tmp
rm two.tmp
echo ${arr2[@]}
#retrieve times
for h in "${arr2[@]}"
line=$(sed "${h}q;d" $fileName.srt)
echo $line
done >three.tmp
#replace all commas with decimal points
sed 's/,/./g' three.tmp >four.tmp
#remove temp file 3 and parse 'decimal pointed' to array
rm three.tmp
mapfile -t arr3 <four.tmp
rm four.tmp
echo ${arr3[0]}
echo ${arr3[1]}
# converts HH:MM:SS.sss to fractional seconds
codes2seconds() (
local hh=${1%%:*}
local rest=${1#*:}
local mm=${rest%%:*}
local ss=${rest#*:}
printf "%s" $(bc <<< "$hh * 60 * 60 + $mm * 60 + $ss")
# converts fractional seconds to HH:MM:SS.sss
seconds2codes() (
local seconds=$1
local hh=$(bc <<< "scale=0; $seconds / 3600")
local remainder=$(bc <<< "$seconds % 3600")
local mm=$(bc <<< "scale=0; $remainder / 60")
local ss=$(bc <<< "$remainder % 60")
printf "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" "$hh" "$mm" "$ss"
subtracttimes() (
local t1sec=$(codes2seconds "$1")
local t2sec=$(codes2seconds "$2")
printf "%s" $(bc <<< "$t2sec - $t1sec")
for range in "${arr3[@]}"
mod=$(sed 's/[^0-9]//g' <<< $range)
duration=$(subtracttimes "${range%% -->*}" "${range##*--> }")
printf "%s\n" "ffmpeg -i $fileName.mp4 -ss ${range%% -->*} -t $duration -async 1 $word.$mod.$fileName.cut.mp4"
done >final.tmp
sudo chmod 755 final.tmp
rm final.tmp
Which works perfectly fine. What it does: it searches the srt file, which has the same name has the mp4 file for a keyword, then finds the timestamp which matches this keyword, and cuts away the video from the starting point to the end point.
SRT file, for example:
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,950
welkom bij eerste toekomst reizen dus
00:00:02,639 --> 00:00:05,670
onderdeel aan de achterhoekse toekomst
00:00:04,950 --> 00:00:07,290
00:00:05,670 --> 00:00:11,250
mijn heren nu al heel veel dingen
So basically if you're looking for the keyword "toekomst", it will output two mp4's, one which originally started at 00:00:00,000
and ended at 00:00:04,950
, and one which started at 00:00:02,639
and ended at 00:00:05,670
I have multiple MP4's in the same directory, all with an corresponding .srt file with the same name as the mp4, which all need to be run through this script. So I want to build a script extensions which looks for all the files with the same names, and runs it through the script.
So I wrote this piece of code to test this:
cd "`dirname "$0"`"
for file in *.srt
fileName="$( basename "$file" .srt)"
echo $fileName
echo $fileName.mp4
echo $fileName.srt
done >temp
and it indeed gives the output of all the .mp4 files and .srt files in the directory:
So then I build this for loop around the existing code as follows:
cd "`dirname "$0"`"
#Asks For filname and Word
echo 'Which word are you looking for?'
read word
for file in *.srt
fileName="$( basename "$file" .srt)"
#Searches word and parses the line-numbers
wordOut=$(grep -i -n -w $word $fileName.srt |cut -f1 -d:)
#Sets all outputs to diffrent line numbers and saves a temp file
for word in $wordOut
echo $word
done >file.tmp
#Parses lines to array, removes temp file
mapfile -t arr <file.tmp
rm file.tmp
#Declares variable for the number of array entries (not used anywhere atm)
#Subtract all array entries with one
for i in "${arr[@]}"
crc=`expr $i - $one`
echo $crc
done >two.tmp
#Subtraction result to array2
mapfile -t arr2 <two.tmp
rm two.tmp
echo ${arr2[@]}
#retrieve times
for h in "${arr2[@]}"
line=$(sed "${h}q;d" $fileName.srt)
echo $line
done >three.tmp
#replace all commas with decimal points
sed 's/,/./g' three.tmp >four.tmp
#remove temp file 3 and parse 'decimal pointed' to array
rm three.tmp
mapfile -t arr3 <four.tmp
rm four.tmp
echo ${arr3[0]}
echo ${arr3[1]}
# converts HH:MM:SS.sss to fractional seconds
codes2seconds() (
local hh=${1%%:*}
local rest=${1#*:}
local mm=${rest%%:*}
local ss=${rest#*:}
printf "%s" $(bc <<< "$hh * 60 * 60 + $mm * 60 + $ss")
# converts fractional seconds to HH:MM:SS.sss
seconds2codes() (
local seconds=$1
local hh=$(bc <<< "scale=0; $seconds / 3600")
local remainder=$(bc <<< "$seconds % 3600")
local mm=$(bc <<< "scale=0; $remainder / 60")
local ss=$(bc <<< "$remainder % 60")
printf "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" "$hh" "$mm" "$ss"
subtracttimes() (
local t1sec=$(codes2seconds "$1")
local t2sec=$(codes2seconds "$2")
printf "%s" $(bc <<< "$t2sec - $t1sec")
for range in "${arr3[@]}"
mod=$(sed 's/[^0-9]//g' <<< $range)
duration=$(subtracttimes "${range%% -->*}" "${range##*--> }")
printf "%s\n" "ffmpeg -i $fileName.mp4 -ss ${range%% -->*} -t $duration -async 1 $word.$mod.$fileName.cut.mp4"
done >final.tmp
sudo chmod 755 final.tmp
rm final.tmp
and for the first run, with the first file it gives the correct output mp4's but after that it shuffles the variables in some way that I can't get the proper output.