This is beyond my current skills it seems as I've been trying for a while and not making much headway.

I've been asked to get a list of hosts and IPs for security to run a scan against those servers. There is a hostlist named hosts.linux on the server with all the hostnames, just no IPs. I'm trying to come up with a script that will take those names from that file and then run a command such as the host command to get the IP.

This command works for instance:

host csx-svc-spls-06 | awk '{ print $3 }'

and it returns just the IP of that server. Is it possible to read from the file, have it run the command, and export the name of the server and then the IP address on one line to a new file?

  • 2
    How is the input file formatted? One name per line?
    – Jeff Schaller
    Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 18:40
  • 2
    post a testable input fragment Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 18:47
  • Yes, it's one hostname per file, such as this: Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 20:13
  • abs-tzg-nbu-20 abx-bcn-app-d1 abx-bcn-app-t1 abx-bcn-app-t2 abx-bcn-app-t3 abx-bri-ora-t2 abx-bri-ora-t3 abx-bri-ora-t4 abx-bri-ora-t5 abx-cmc-dbr-t01 abx-cmc-dbr-t02 abx-cmc-dbt-t01 abx-cmc-dbt-t02 abx-cvs-ora-t5 abx-cvs-was-d01 Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 20:13
  • 2
    Please edit your question with the updates, as you can see that the formatting in comments is limited.
    – Jeff Schaller
    Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 20:58

4 Answers 4


I'm not sure of the implications of using nslookup over dig, but I think this might work:

while IFS= read -r i; do 
    nslookup "$i" | grep '^Name' -A1 | 
        awk '{print $2}' 
done < linux.hosts > outputfile
  • 1
    The command you provided worked. Shows the hostname, with the IP on the next line. Thanks for the help. Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 20:19
  • Glad to help! Please, consider "accepting" this answer if it has answered your question. Commented Feb 16, 2018 at 20:51

dig has a +short option that makes it produce only the resulting IP addresses and nothing else.

This code:

for h in google.com yahoo.com notfound.nosuch; do
  printf '%s = ' "$h"
  printf '%s' "$(dig +short "$h")" | tr '\n' ,

Produces the output:

google.com =,,,,,
yahoo.com =,,
notfound.nosuch = 

By contrast, this code:

for h in google.com yahoo.com notfound.nosuch; do
  printf "$h = %s\\n" $(dig +short "$h")

Produces the output:

google.com =
google.com =
google.com =
google.com =
google.com =
google.com =
yahoo.com =
yahoo.com =
yahoo.com =
notfound.nosuch = 

To read the hostnames from a file, replace the for lines in either of the above code snippets with for h in $(cat hostlist.txt); do — although you may want to add some input validation. Up to you.

Take your pick. If you want another format, please comment.

Note: if all you want is the IP addresses and you don't care about having the hostnames included in the output, then all you need is:

dig +short $(cat hostlist.txt)

Bear in mind, though, that any hostnames that don't appear in DNS will be silently ignored with this command.


To just iterate over the list with the command that you used on a single host (slightly modified to also include the hostname itself):

while read h; do
    host "$h" | awk '{ print $1, $3 }'
done <linux.hosts >outputfile.txt

This reads from linux.hosts, applies the host and awk commands on each entry in there, and saves the result to outputfile.txt.

Or, if you will, on one line:

while read h; do host "$h" | awk '{ print $1, $3 }'; done <linux.hosts >outputfile.txt

The following is a much more generic approach that takes hostname aliases and multiple IP addresses into account and produces one line of output for each line of input in the supplied file:

Given a list of hosts in hostnames.txt, such as


Then, given a short awk script (script.awk),

/^;/ || NF == 0 { next }

$4 == "CNAME"   { cn[$5] = (cn[$5] ? cn[$5] "," $1 : $1) }
$4 == "A"       { ip[$1] = (ip[$1] ? ip[$1] "," $5 : $5) }

    for (i in ip) {
        if (cn[i])
            printf("%s (%s) = ", i, cn[i])
            printf("%s = ", i)

        print ip[i]

The bash command line

dig +noall +answer -f hostnames.txt | awk -f script.awk

would produce

su.se. (www.su.se.) =
www.kth.se. =
live.webb.uu.se. (www.uu.se.) =,,

This takes host name aliases and hosts with multiple IP addresses into account. The host name aliases are the names in parentheses.

The dig command by itself would produce the output

; <<>> DiG 9.4.2-P2 <<>> www.uu.se +noall +answer
;; global options:  printcmd
www.uu.se.              300     IN      CNAME   live.webb.uu.se.
live.webb.uu.se.        300     IN      A
live.webb.uu.se.        300     IN      A
live.webb.uu.se.        300     IN      A
www.kth.se.             600     IN      A
www.su.se.              300     IN      CNAME   su.se.
su.se.                  300     IN      A

and it does to through a batch query (-f) on the list of hostnames.

This is what the awk code parses and summarizes.

The awk script detects the CNAME entries for host name aliases and saves a comma-separated list of aliases for each real hostname in the cn array, and does a similar operation to save the IP addresses in the ip array for each hostname.

The END block goes through the hostnames in the ip array and checks to see whether it has any aliases or not. If it has, these are printed in parenthesis. Then the list of IP numbers are added to the end of the line.


Here is a script if still required :)


# Function to perform nslookup for an IP address
perform_nslookup() {
    result=$(nslookup $1)
    echo -e "NSLookup for $1:\n$result"

# Read IP addresses from a file
file_path="ip_addresses.txt"  # Replace with the actual file path
while IFS= read -r ip_address; do
    ip_address=$(echo $ip_address | xargs)  # Remove leading/trailing whitespaces
    perform_nslookup $ip_address
done < "$file_path"

Dont forget to add file_path for your list in ip_addresses.txt, e.g.:

$ cat ip_addresses.txt

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