./trans ... command output showing escape codes

Any idea what could be causing this? Without using grep, the only stuff display there are the ISO codes and empty space.

Software used

Command: ./trans --id --input /path/to/txt | grep ISO | grep [a-z]

root@box /test # alias grep
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
root@box /test # type grep
grep is aliased to `grep --color=auto'

Normal output:

trans command output with readable text and URLs

  • Please do paste the output instead of attaching an image. So that others can reuse the pasted command to reproduce the same on their systems.
    – Thushi
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 6:03
  • 9
    @Thushi In this case a screenshot is appropriate, because they wouldn't be able to paste the missing glyph symbols here.
    – Sparhawk
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 6:26
  • Can you edit in screenshots of the command run without the trailing greps, and the result of alias grep and type grep? Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 6:33

1 Answer 1


The screenshot appears to show mangled ANSI colour codes, which control text rendering. Bold/bright text is produced with the sequence ␛[1m, which is usually interpreted by your terminal and not displayed on the screen directly: it just makes the next bit of text bright. The screenshot of the ungrepped output shows that colour difference between the labels and values on each line, so the original output is using them.

It appears that that sequence has been broken by your final grep, which matched the "m" in the code (since it's a letter [a-z]) and tried to highlight it in red itself. That left a partial escape sequence behind, which your terminal couldn't process.

The escape character is U+001B, which is the hexadecimal number that's rendered in the unknown-character boxes. What's displayed is the escape (the box), a [, a 1, a red m followed by the expected matching text "eng", and the same happening at the end with "22" (the numeric code for "normal colour & intensity").

The broken output is really:


where ␛[31m makes text red and ␛[22m turns it back to white, both inserted by grep around the m characters into the original text. The original was just:


which is just bright "eng" and then a switch back to normal text.

You could check this by changing your final grep into grep --color=always and piping into hexdump, which will show all the unprintable characters and the ones interpreted by your terminal.

You can deal with this a few ways. One is to use grep without your alias for the moment:

./trans --id --input /path/to/txt | grep ISO | \grep [a-z]

The backslash temporarily skips the alias and runs grep directly.

Another is to strip out the ANSI codes from the original command, for which there are some suggestions in this question:

./trans --id --input /path/to/txt | perl -pe 's/\e\[[\d;]*m//g' | grep ISO | grep [a-z]

Yet another option is to add an extraneous pipe on the end:

./trans --id --input /path/to/txt | grep ISO | grep [a-z] | cat

Because the final grep's output isn't directly to the TTY, but to cat via a pipe, it won't insert the coloured highlighting.

Perhaps the best option is to get Translate Shell to stop using terminal control sequences in its own output in the first place when it is not to a terminal. That would properly involve a bug report from you to its author(s) and a code fix to Translate Shell's ansi() function, but one can bodge it somewhat:

TERM=dumb ./trans --id --input /path/to/txt | grep ISO | grep [a-z]

This passes the dumb terminal type in Translate Shell's environment, which it at least recognizes as not having ECMA-48 colour support. (Sadly, Translate Shell does not use terminfo, and merely hardwires in its own code the terminal types that it understands and the control sequences that it uses.)

  • wow, I would never be able to debug this by myself and without a place like this, so thank you !
    – Freedo
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 7:35
  • IMO the culprit could easily be a broken GREP_COLOR or GREP_COLORS environment variable that contains complete SGR escape sequences, rather than just the numbers.
    – egmont
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 22:17
  • Wow, so many solutions. You could also add --color=no to the final grep (or apply the TERM=dumb to it)
    – Ángel
    Commented Jan 20, 2018 at 2:45

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