In Linux Mint (Debian-based) how can I edit what the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+t launches?

For example, I would like to issue gnome-terminal with the --maximize option, and to have it launch tmux instantly.

3 Answers 3

  1. Install dconf-editor

    $ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
  2. Open dconf-editor

    $ dconf-editor
  3. Navigate to the terminal key

  4. Change the key to the terminal you want

    Name=exec => Value=konsole


Remember to install that terminal you want by default first. (Obviously)

sudo apt-get install konsole
  • This should be the correct answer in 2017.
    – nephewtom
    Commented Nov 30, 2017 at 8:51

You can modify the /desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec key in GConf (using gconf-editor), which is described as "the default terminal application to use for applications that require a terminal".

Alternatively, I propose a little more flexible solution: if you use Compiz, you can use the Commands plugin to define keyboard shortcuts for your own commands. This way, you can keep the default shortcut to launch a windowed terminal, and define an other shortcut for a fullscreen terminal.

(Sidenote: in the Compiz configuration tool, you can change directly the terminal command and shortcut in the Gnome Compatibility plugin.)

  • From your answer, I was able to do this also from the command line: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec "gnome-terminal --maximize -e tmux".
    – eoinoc
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 11:26
  • 2
    For Gnome 3-based installations, it seems gconf-editor is being phased out. User dconf-editor instead. askubuntu.com/questions/122039/dconf-editor-and-gconf-editor . And user gsettings instead of gconftool-2 at the command line.
    – eoinoc
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 10:44
  • This certainly works (when using dconf-editor instead) for the expressed purpose, which is what I wanted to use it for (to get it to launch the terminal window maximized when using the launch terminal keyboard shortcut). However, this causes the right click menu item "Open in Terminal" to stop working. I am guessing the extra --maximize argument I added is interfering with the additional arguments passed by that menu item. Any way to fix that or see what command is being run? Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 15:27

Even easier is by just:

Add Terminator

Click "Menu" > Search "Terminator" > Right-Click "Add to Favourites"

Remove default terminal in favourites (Cinnamon):

Click "Menu" > Search "Terminal" > Right-Click "Remove from Favourites"

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