I have a huge (70GB), one line, text file and I want to replace a string (token) in it. I want to replace the token <unk>, with another dummy token (glove issue).

I tried sed:

sed 's/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g' < corpus.txt > corpus.txt.new

but the output file corpus.txt.new has zero-bytes!

I also tried using perl:

perl -pe 's/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g' < corpus.txt > corpus.txt.new

but I got an out of memory error.

For smaller files, both of the above commands work.

How can I replace a string is such a file? This is a related question, but none of the answers worked for me.

Edit: What about splitting the file in chunks of 10GBs (or whatever) each and applying sed on each one of them and then merging them with cat? Does that make sense? Is there a more elegant solution?

  • as @Gilles noted, can you detect some repeated character that could serve as a custom delimiter in your single big line? Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 15:35
  • I am thinking that a tool that can only do search and replace, but not any more complex regex, would be faster. It would also not benefit from doing a line at a time, so would not choke on this file. Unfortunately I have no idea of the existence of such a tool, though it would not be hard to write. If it is a one off then substituting in newline characters as in one of the answers would probably be easiest. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 15:43
  • Does your file contain anything other than ASCII? If so, all the unicode handling could be omitted and raw bytes could be processed. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 19:54
  • I agree with @PatrickButcher Look at a bigger picture. Besides the immediate need to replace this text, what else is this file supposed to be used for? If it is a log of some sort, no one is going to be able to work with it effectively. If it is a data file that some app uses, then that app should hold the responsibility for maintaining the data in that file. Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 13:47
  • 2
    You can use split with -b option defining chunk file sizes in bytes. Process each in turn using sed and the re-assemble. There is a risk is that <unk> can be split in two files and won't be found... Commented Jan 3, 2018 at 23:44

14 Answers 14


For such a big file, one possibility is Flex. Let unk.l be:

\<unk\>     printf("<raw_unk>");  

Then compile and execute:

$ flex -o unk.c  unk.l
$ cc -o unk -O2 unk.c -lfl
$ unk < corpus.txt > corpus.txt.new
  • 5
    make has default rules for this, instead of the flex/cc you can add an %option main as the first line of unk.l and then just make unk. I more-or-less reflexively use %option main 8bit fast, and have export CFLAGS='-march=native -pipe -Os' in my .bashrc.
    – jthill
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 17:16
  • 1
    @undercat: If it weren't off-topic, I could show you a number of non-compiler front end applications, from solving the water-level problem to special-purpose input parsing. It's amazing what you can do with it, if you think outside the box a bit :-)
    – jamesqf
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 4:50
  • @jthill, thank you: %option main + make + optionally CFLAGS are a very nice trick!! Is -march=native the default behaviour?
    – JJoao
    Commented Jan 3, 2018 at 16:49
  • 1
    @jamesqf as you said - will be hard to make that an on topic question - but I would like to see it also
    – Zombo
    Commented Jan 4, 2018 at 0:57
  • 1
    @jamesqf A prof of mine at uni used flex to build a tool that recognised fabric types for a factory! How about asking something like: "flex seems like a very powerful tool but I'm unlikely to be writing any compilers/parsers - are there any other use cases for flex?"
    – Paul Evans
    Commented Jan 4, 2018 at 20:37

The usual text processing tools are not designed to handle lines that don't fit in RAM. They tend to work by reading one record (one line), manipulating it, and outputting the result, then proceeding to the next record (line).

If there's an ASCII character that appears frequently in the file and doesn't appear in <unk> or <raw_unk>, then you can use that as the record separator. Since most tools don't allow custom record separators, swap between that character and newlines. tr processes bytes, not lines, so it doesn't care about any record size. Supposing that ; works:

<corpus.txt tr '\n;' ';\n' |
sed 's/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g' |
tr '\n;' ';\n' >corpus.txt.new

You could also anchor on the first character of the text you're searching for, assuming that it isn't repeated in the search text and it appears frequently enough. If the file may start with unk>, change the sed command to sed '2,$ s/… to avoid a spurious match.

<corpus.txt tr '\n<' '<\n' |
sed 's/^unk>/raw_unk>/g' |
tr '\n<' '<\n' >corpus.txt.new

Alternatively, use the last character.

<corpus.txt tr '\n>' '>\n' |
sed 's/<unk$/<raw_unk/g' |
tr '\n>' '>\n' >corpus.txt.new

Note that this technique assumes that sed operates seamlessly on a file that doesn't end with a newline, i.e. that it processes the last partial line without truncating it and without appending a final newline. It works with GNU sed. If you can pick the last character of the file as the record separator, you'll avoid any portability trouble.

  • 9
    I don't have such a file to test with, but in Awk you can specify the "Record Separator" and the "Output Record Separator". So assuming you have a decent smattering of commas in your file, it's possible you could solve this with: awk -v RS=, -v ORS=, '{gsub(/<unk>/, "<raw_unk>"); print}' No?
    – Wildcard
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 7:33
  • 4
    @Wildcard Yes, that's another solution. Awk tends to be slower than sed though, that's why I don't offer it as the preferred solution for a huge file. Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 11:20
  • You can set the record separator in Perl with command line option -0 and the octal value of a char, or inside the script it can be set with special variable $/
    – beasy
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 22:27
  • @Gilles : But using awk avoid passing the stream twice to tr. So would it be still slower ?
    – user285259
    Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 22:20
  • 2
    @user285259 Typically not. tr is very fast and the pipe can even be parallelized. Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 7:24

So you don't have enough physical memory (RAM) to hold the whole file at once, but on a 64-bit system you have enough virtual address space to map the entire file. Virtual mappings can be useful as a simple hack in cases like this.

The necessary operations are all included in Python. There are several annoying subtleties, but it does avoid having to write C code. In particular, care is needed to avoid copying the file in memory, which would defeat the point entirely. On the plus side, you get error-reporting for free (python "exceptions") :).

# This script takes input from stdin
# (but it must be a regular file, to support mapping it),
# and writes the result to stdout.

search = b'<unk>'
replace = b'<raw_unk>'

import sys
import os
import mmap

# sys.stdout requires str, but we want to write bytes
out_bytes = sys.stdout.buffer

mem = mmap.mmap(sys.stdin.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
i = mem.find(search)
if i < 0:
    sys.exit("Search string not found")

# mmap object subscripts to bytes (making a copy)
# memoryview object subscripts to a memoryview object
# (it implements the buffer protocol).
view = memoryview(mem)

  • 1
    @Rahul "So you don't have enough RAM, but on a 64-bit system you have enough virtual address space to map the entire file." It's paged in and out of physical ram on demand (or lack thereof). This program should work without requiring any large amount of physical RAM. 64-bit systems have much more virtual address space than the maximum physical ram. Also each running process has it's own virtual address space. This means the system as a whole running out of virtual address space isn't a thing, it's not a valid concept.
    – sourcejedi
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 11:12
  • 4
    @Rahul yep! python mmap.mmap() is a fairly thin wrapper around the C function mmap(). And mmap() is the same mechanism used to run executables, and code from shared libraries.
    – sourcejedi
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 13:50
  • 1
    But why would one want to avoid writing C? For this, it's no more difficult (assuming a knowedge of both languages) than Python, and perhaps a bit more compact.
    – jamesqf
    Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 2:22
  • 2
    @jamesqf I could be wrong, but I feel it is just a personal choice. Since the performance losses would be negligible (because as he said, the function actual does call the c function), the overhead wastage is very low, since no other stuff is happening in between. C would have been better, but this solution was not aiming for optimization, just to solve the bigger and difficult 70gb issue.
    – Rahul
    Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 8:07
  • 1
    In general, writing in python is more compact. In this case it turned out there's a couple of details in the python version, and the C version might have been nicer to write. (Though it's not so simple if search can contain a NUL character. And I notice the other C version here does not support NUL characters in replace.). You're very welcome to derive the C version for comparison purposes. However remember that my version includes basic error reporting for the operations it performs. The C version would at least be more annoying to read IMO, when error reporting is included.
    – sourcejedi
    Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 10:30

EDITED at 2024: apparently the behavior of replace was changed and new lines are not allowed anymore, therefore this answer is no longer valid.

There is a replace utility in the mariadb-server/mysql-server package. It replaces simple strings (not regular expressions) and unlike grep/sed/awk replace does not care about \n and \0. Memory consumption is constant with any input file (about 400kb on my machine).

Of course you do not need to run a mysql server in order to use replace, it is only packaged that way in Fedora. Other distros/operating systems may have it packaged separately.


I think the C version might perform much better:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PAT_LEN 5

int main()
    /* note this is not a general solution. In particular the pattern
     * must not have a repeated sequence at the start, so <unk> is fine
     * but aardvark is not, because it starts with "a" repeated, and ababc
     * is not because it starts with "ab" repeated. */
    char pattern[] = "<unk>";          /* set PAT_LEN to length of this */
    char replacement[] = "<raw_unk>"; 
    int c;
    int i, j;

    for (i = 0; (c = getchar()) != EOF;) {
        if (c == pattern[i]) {
            if (i == PAT_LEN) {
                printf("%s", replacement);
                i = 0;
        } else {
            if (i > 0) {
                for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                i = 0;
            if (c == pattern[0]) {
                i = 1;
            } else {
    /* TODO: fix up end of file if it ends with a part of pattern */
    return 0;

EDIT: Modified according to suggestions from the comments. Also fixed bug with the pattern <<unk>.

  • 2
    you may print (pattern[j]) instead of (buf[j]) (they are equal at this point, so you don't need buffer
    – RiaD
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 1:30
  • 3
    also code will not work for string "<<unk>" ideone.com/ncM2yy
    – RiaD
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 1:31
  • 10
    30 MB in 0.3 seconds? That's only 90 MB / second. memcpy speed (i.e. the memory bottleneck) is something like 12GB / second on a recent x86 CPU (e.g. Skylake). Even with stdio + system call overhead, for a 30MB file hot in disk cache, I'd expect maybe 1GB / second for an efficient implementation. Did you compile with optimization disabled, or is one-char-at-a-time I/O really that slow? getchar_unlocked / putchar_unlocked might help, but definitely better to read/write in chunks of maybe 128kiB (half of L2 cache size on most x86 CPUs, so you mostly hit in L2 while looping after read) Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 6:58
  • 2
    from top of my head, getchar and putchar is slow. Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 17:20
  • 3
    The fix to the program for "<<unk>" still doesn't work if the pattern starts with a repeated sequence of characters (i.e. it wouldn't work if you were trying to replace aardvark with zebra and you had input of aaardvak, or you were trying to replace ababc and had input of abababc). In general you can not move forward by the number of characters you have read unless you know that there is no possibility of a match starting in the characters you have read.
    – icarus
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 21:27

GNU grep can show you the offset of matches in "binary" files, without having to read whole lines into memory. You can then use dd to read up to this offset, skip over the match, then continue copying from the file.

grep -o -b -a -F '<unk>' <"$file" |
(   pos=0
    while IFS=$IFS: read offset pattern
    do size=${#pattern}
       let skip=offset-pos
       let big=skip/1048576
       let skip=skip-big*1048576
       dd bs=1048576 count=$big <&3
       dd bs=1 count=$skip <&3
       dd bs=1 count=$size of=/dev/null <&3
       printf "%s" "$replace"
       let pos=offset+size
    cat <&3
) 3<"$file" >"$newfile"

For speed, I've split the dd into a big read of blocksize 1048576 and a smaller read of 1 byte at a time, but this operation will still be a little slow on such a large file. The grep output is, for example, 13977:<unk>, and this is split on the colon by the read into variables offset and pattern. We have to keep track in pos of how many bytes have already been copied from the file.


Here is another single UNIX command line that might perform better than other options, because you can "hunt" for a "block size" that performs well. For this to be robust you need to know that you have at least one space in every X characters, where X is your arbitrary "block size". In the example below I have chosen a "block size" of 1024 characters.

fold -w 1024 -s corpus.txt | sed 's/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g' | tr '/n' '/0'

Here, fold will grab up to 1024 bytes, but the -s makes sure it breaks on a space if there is at least one since the last break.

The sed command is yours and does what you expect.

Then the tr command will "unfold" the file converting the newlines that were inserted back to nothing.

You should consider trying larger block sizes to see if it performs faster. Instead of 1024, you might try 10240 and 102400 and 1048576 for the -w option of fold.

Here is an example broken down by each step that converts all the N's to lowercase:

[root@alpha ~]# cat mailtest.txt

[root@alpha ~]# fold -w 20 -s mailtest.txt
EMAIL*C.34X test

[root@alpha ~]# fold -w 20 -s mailtest.txt | sed 's/N/n/g'
test XJS C4JD QADn1
EMAIL*C.34X test

[root@alpha ~]# fold -w 20 -s mailtest.txt | sed 's/N/n/g' | tr '\n' '\0'

You will need to add a newline to the very end of the file if it has one, because the tr command will remove it.

  • 1
    How do you make sure you are not breaking the pattern in edge cases where there isn't enough whitespace available? Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 15:00
  • 1
    As stated, for this to be robust there's a requirement that there is at least one space every X characters. You can do that analysis easy enough, with any blocksize you choose: fold -w X mailtest.txt | grep -v " " | wc -l The number it returns is the number of folded lines with potential edge cases. If it's zero, the solution is guaranteed to work.
    – alfreema
    Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 20:53

You could try bbe (binary block editor), a "sed for binary files".

I had good success using it on a 7GB text file with no EOL chars, replacing multiple occurrences of a string with one of different length. Without attempting any optimisation it gave an average processing throughput of > 50MB/s.


Using perl

Managing your own buffers

You can use IO::Handle's setvbuf to manage the default buffers, or you can manage your own buffers with sysread and syswrite. Check perldoc -f sysread and perldoc -f syswrite for more information, essentially they skip buffered io.

Here we roll our own buffer IO, but we do it manually and arbitrarily on 1024 bytes. We also open the file for RW so we do it all on the same FH at once.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Fcntl qw(:flock O_RDWR);
use autodie;
use bytes;

use constant CHUNK_SIZE => 1024 * 32;

sysopen my $fh, 'file', O_RDWR;
flock($fh, LOCK_EX);

my $chunk = 1;
while ( sysread $fh, my $bytes, CHUNK_SIZE * $chunk ) {
  if ( $bytes =~ s/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g ) {
    seek( $fh, ($chunk-1)* CHUNK_SIZE, 0 );
    syswrite( $fh, $bytes, 1024);
    seek( $fh, $chunk * CHUNK_SIZE, 0 );

If you're going to go this route

  1. Make sure <unk> and <raw_unk> are the same byte size.
  2. You may want to make sure our buffered method doesn't cross the CHUNKSIZE boundary, if you're replacing more than 1 byte.
  • 2
    What if <unk> falls on a boundary between chunks?
    – liori
    Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 20:59

With perl, you could work with fixed length records like:

perl -pe 'BEGIN{$/=\1e8}
          s/<unk>/<raw_unk>/g' < corpus.txt > corpus.txt.new

And hope that there won't be <unk>s spanning across two of those 100MB records.

  • I also was thinking about this method, but using the while read -N 1000 chunk; (the 1000 picked as an example). The solution for the <unk>, broken between the chunks, is two passes through the file: the first with the 100MB chunks and the second with the '100MB + 5 byte' chunks. But it is not optimal solution in the case of the 70GB file.
    – MiniMax
    Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 22:07
  • 3
    You don't even need two passes. Read block A. While not EOF, read block B. Search/Replace in A+B. A := B. Loop. Complexity is ensuring you don't replace inside the replacement. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 23:23
  • @MiniMax, that second pass would not necessarily help as the first pass would have added 5 bytes for each occurrence of <unk>. Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 22:32
  • 1
    @roaima, yes that would be a much more involved solution. Here it's a simple approach which is only highly probable (assuming the <unk> occurrences are far appart, if not, use $/ = ">" and s/<unk>\z/<raw_unk>/g) of being correct. Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 22:35

Here's a small Go program that performs the task (unk.go):

package main

import (

func main() {
    const (
        pattern     = "<unk>"
        replacement = "<raw_unk>"
    var match int
    var char rune
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        char = rune(scanner.Text()[0])
        if char == []rune(pattern)[match] {
            if match == len(pattern) {
                match = 0
        } else {
            if match > 0 {
                match = 0
            if char == rune(pattern[0]) {
                match = 1
            } else {
    if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {

Just build it with go build unk.go and run it as ./unk <input >output.


Sorry, I didn't read that everything is in one line, so I tried to read the file character by character now.


Applied same fix as to the C program.

  • 1
    does this avoid reading the entire file into memory?
    – cat
    Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 19:08
  • 1
    It reads the file character by character and never holds the entire file in the memory, just individual characters. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 19:10
  • 1
    scanner.Split(bufio.ScanRunes) does the magic. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 19:27
  • Also check go doc bufio.MaxScanTokenSize for the default buffer size. Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 19:39
  • Like your C program, this doesn't work for replacing aardvark with zebra with an input of aaardvark.
    – icarus
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 21:59

This may be overkill for a 70GB file and simple search & replace, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework would solve your problem right now at no cost (choose the 'Single Node' option when setting it up to run it locally) - and will can be scaled to infinite capacity in the future without the need to modify your code.

The official tutorial at https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduceTutorial.html uses (extremely simple) Java but you can find client libraries for Perl or whatever language you feel like using.

So if later on you find that you are doing more complex operations on 7000GB text files - and having to do this 100 times per day - you can distribute the workload across multiple nodes that you provision or that are automatically provisioned for you by a cloud-based Hadoop cluster.


If we have a minimum amount of <unk> (as expected by Zipf's law),

awk -v RS="<unk>" -v ORS="<raw_unk>" 1
  • 1
    No. sed reads a line at a time into memory regardless. It will not be able to fit this line.
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Mar 16, 2018 at 9:34
  • 1
    I can find no documentation that says anything other than that GNU sed will not do input/output buffering when using this flag. I can't see that it will read partial lines.
    – Kusalananda
    Commented Mar 16, 2018 at 9:53
  • this awk, not sed -> upvoting
    – botkop
    Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 14:57

All of the previous suggestions require reading the entire file and writing the entire file. This not only takes a long time but also requires 70GB of free space.

1) If I understand you specific case correctly would it be acceptable to replace <unk> with some other string of the SAME length?

2a) Are there multiple occurrences? 2b) If so do you know how many?

I'm sure you have solved this year-plus problem already and I'd like to know what solution you used.

I'd propose a solution (most likely in C ) that would read the BLOCKS of the file searching each for the string taking into account possible block crossing. Once found replace the string with the SAME length alternate and the write only that BLOCK. Continuing for the known number of occurrences or until end of file. This would require as few as number-of-occurances writes and at most twice that (if every occurrence was split between 2 blocks). This would require NO additional space!

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