I've got a pretty long PDF form from my ISP and filled it carefully. Willing to save my work of filling it I've tried to use File - Save a copy...
. But Evince says it can't save it because it is "encrypted". Ridiculous! What a nut has came to the idea to edit-protect a document explicitly meant to be edited? Whatever...
Is there a way to bypass the protection? It looks obvious that if I can view its contents it is "decrypted" on load and it's just a matter of intention for the viewing application to honour or dishonour the restriction. I suppose it would be natural for a free software to provide the decision to the user.
I don't want to loose my work. Of course I can print-to-file (if printing is not forbidden for this PDF - I wouldn't be surprised if it is) but I want to send it to a colleague to finish filling some fields I don't know what to write in - I wouldn't like to make her to refill the whole form.
I understand it is probably impossible to save the work now, but feel like there is to be a solution to prevent this in future: maybe an Evince patch or a compilation option, a record in its config file... or an alternative PDF viewer?
Update: I have installed the Adobe brand Acrobat Reader (9.5.1) and it has no problems saving the filled form, while indicating (in the window title) the file is "secured".