It seems that if a package is already installed, "yum install" will try to update it to the latest version. This will cause "yum install" to fail if the latest version is missing dependencies. I know that I can suppress this with --skip-broken, but I don't want to "skip broken" in case of packages which are not already installed; in that case I want it to fail.

I have seen in this answer that I can do this using an "if" statement if I am installing just one package, but I have a "yum install" statement containing some 15 packages, and don't want to run yum multiple times (once for each package) as this adds a lot of overhead.

How can I get yum to only install packages if they are not already present?

1 Answer 1


In the end I wrote a simple bash script yum-install-if-missing.sh based on other answers. Not sure if there is an easier way.


yumcmd="yum install -y"
for var in "$@"
    if ! rpm --quiet --query $var; then
        yumcmd="$yumcmd $var"

echo "ABOUT TO EXECUTE: $yumcmd"

eval $yumcmd

It can then be executed as: yum-install-if-missing.sh packageone packagetwo and so on.

  • 4
    Use rpm -q --quiet packagename rather than piping to grep.
    – Wildcard
    Commented Nov 30, 2017 at 2:02
  • @Wildcard thanks! this really helped me. because I was running yum-install-if-missing.sh ... file ... and while file was not installed, file-libs was installed, so file got skipped. your suggestion fixed this problem
    – Kidburla
    Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 16:59

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