During OpenBSD 6.2 install:

Do you want the X Windows System to be started by xenodm(1) [no]?

And the default answer is "no". Why does it brings it up, if the default is no?

The question: But why isn't it "yes" by default? Are there any "better" handlers that start the "GUI"?

  • 2
    because some folks instead like to type startx when they want some X11
    – thrig
    Commented Nov 20, 2017 at 20:46
  • 2
    Maybe OpenBSD tends to be used more in server-type roles that don’t require X Windows?
    – Bink
    Commented Nov 20, 2017 at 23:28

1 Answer 1


Because the less you let the system 'automagically' do things for you by means of scripts you haven't created, the more you have to learn how your system work (which is good). You can learn how to configure xenodm and start x by reading the FAQ : The X Window System | OpenBSD

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