Related to How to join vCards lines, vCard does a weird kind of line splitting: If a line contains more than 75 characters, insert a "CR, LF, space" sequence. Thus the following line:
should be split into the following lines:
You can't just insert the line split sequence every 75 characters, because then there would be more than 75 characters per line again, and you can't just insert after counting 75 characters because it should only be inserted if the line is longer than 75 characters. One way to do it is to repeat the following command until the input no longer changes:
sed -e 's/^\(.\{75\}\)\([^\r]\)/\1\r\n \2/' < file | sed -e '...' | ...
That's obviously not going to work with indeterminately long lines, and is horribly inefficient. How would you do this sort of replacement?