I am trying to use augtool to auto edit my /etc/hosts, as I wish to add an alias for localhost (so that I can test my webserver with a different host-name, localy).

I have been looking every-ware to find good documentation.

I with to find the node with ipaddr of and add an alias to it. I would also like to find some good documentation to Augeas.

2 Answers 2


While adding an alias to a host is not really hard, what's usually more interesting is to ensure a host entry has an alias, i.e. make the operation idempotent.

Here is how you can do that with Augeas:

set /files/etc/hosts/*[ipaddr=""]/alias[.="mycouchdb"] "mycouchdb"

which will only add the alias if it doesn't exist yet.


alias[.="mycouchdb"] refers to the alias with value mycouchdb (since . refers to the current node).

When there is no alias yet with value mycouchdb, alias[.="mycouchdb"] will not match anything and Augeas will create a node with label alias and value mycouchdb. The rule when the node doesn't exist is to use the path label without filters, in this case alias, so it creates a new label node and assigns it the value mycouchdb

When there is an alias already, the expression will match and the set command will replace the value with mycouchdb, which will do nothing.

  • That seems to work, but can you explain how. I am stuck on alias[.="mycouchdb"]. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 8:17
  • alias[.="mycouchdb"] refers to the alias with value mycouchdb (since . refers to the current node). When there is no alias yet with value "mycouchdb", alias[.="mycouchdb"] will not match anything and Augeas will create a node with label alias and value mycouchdb. When there there is an alias already, the expression will match and the set command will replace the value with mycouchdb, which will do nothing.
    – raphink
    Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 10:24
  • I get the first bit, and that is what I thought the patterns mean, but it is the when it does not match bit, that I am confused about. What are the rules for that? Also could you update the answer, then I can ✓ it. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 12:16
  • @ctrl-alt-delor the rule when the node doesn't exist is to use the path label without filters, in this case alias, so it creates a new label node and assigns it the value mycouchdb.
    – raphink
    Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 15:46

To do the specific task of “find the node with ipaddr of and add an alias to it”


augtool -b -s set '/files/etc/hosts/*[ipaddr = ""]/alias[last()+1]' mycouchdb

This looks in file /etc/host/ any node(*), that has a sub-node of ipaddr= and adds an alias of mycouchdb


The path is explained here https://github.com/hercules-team/augeas/wiki/Path-expressions it uses XPath.

Sorry I can't find anything else good.

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