Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6)
~$ raku -MText::CSV -e 'my @a = csv(in => $*IN, sep => ", ");
for ^@a[0].elems -> $i {
@a>>.[$i] = @a>>.[$i].map: *.subst(:global, / \d <(\,)> \d / )
}; csv(in => @a, out => $*OUT, sep => ", ");' < file
~$ raku -MText::CSV -e 'my @a = csv(in => "/path/to/file", sep => ", ");
for ^@a[0].elems -> $i {
@a>>.[$i] = @a>>.[$i].map: *.subst(:global, / \d <(\,)> \d / )
}; csv(in => @a, out => $*OUT, sep => ", ");'
Above are answers written in Raku, a member of the Perl-family of programming languages. Here Raku's Text::CSV
module (an authentic CSV parser) is used to massage the data into RFC 4180 specification, the only exception being that the OP desires ", "
as separator in the output. Above, data is read using Text::CSV
's high-level csv()
method, which can take input as $*IN
stdin, or as a filepath.
Briefly, the data is stored in an array, taking care to decode the input file with the correct ", "
separator. In the second statement (using the Header Row to get the number of columns), each Row is map
ped into sequentially, and subst
ituted with the desired change: :globally
change each field such that / \d <(\,)> \d /
if a comma is found immediately flanked on both sides by a digit, replace that comma with nothing (i.e. delete it). Raku's <( … )>
capture markers are used to only delete the comma character: while the full regex gets matched, the capture markers tell Raku to drop anything outside (and only substitute/delete what's inside).
Sample Input (note corrected Header Row):
Name, Country, City, Amount
Jason, US, Memphis, "1,000"
David, US, Little Rock, "8,765,453"
"Karam, Sage", US, Nazareth, "4,678"
"David, simon", US, Chicago, "1,234"
Sample Output:
Name, Country, City, Amount
Jason, US, Memphis, 1000
David, US, "Little Rock", 8765453
"Karam, Sage", US, Nazareth, 4678
"David, simon", US, Chicago, 1234
Note: There isn't any error-checking on the number of fields per row, so if your CSV has an incorrect header or short/long row, parsing will be problematic. Note also that without commas in the fourth column, RFC4180 says that column doesn't have to be quoted (conversely, the city "Little Rock"
becomes a quoted field in the output because it contains whitespace).