This is slightly different than the other SSH questions I have seen on here so here it goes. I have a complex setup for accessing a web application and unfortunately there is no way around it. Here is the scenario and systems involved (IP addresses anonymized for obvious reasons):
System Alpha
System Bravo
System Charlie
System Delta
I need to communicate to a website available to System Delta from System Alpha. The problem is, I cannot talk to System Delta directly. Currently, I can SSH in to System Bravo, and I can SSH into System Charlie utilizing a proxy command which utilizes System Bravo as the proxy. To illustrate this, here is my SSH Config:
Host system.bravo
User bob
ForwardAgent yes
Host system.charlie
User bob
ForwardAgent yes
ProxyCommand ssh -q system.bravo nc localhost 1081
System Charlie is accessible to System Alpha in this way because it has created a reverse SSH tunnel to System Bravo on port 1081. This is done because the firewall sitting between System Bravo and System Charlie ONLY allows SSH outbound to System Bravo. I know this is annoying, but it is a client requirement.
System Charlie can SSH into System Delta without issue. My problem is, how do I go about setting up a usable SOCKS proxy with SSH so that System Alpha can access a website only accessible from System Delta. Normally I would do it like this:
ssh -2 -C -D 4001 -L 4002:localhost:4002 -L 4003:localhost:4003 [email protected]
ssh -2 -C -D 4002 -L 4003:localhost:4003 [email protected]
ssh -2 -C -D 4003 [email protected]
Then I would simply point Firefox to localhost:4003 and that would be my working proxy to access the website. However, because of the weird setup between System Bravo and System Charlie this will not work. ***It was pointed out to me a diagram displaying communications would make this easier. So here it is:
A full list of possible connections:
-----> --X--> ----->
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta
<--X-- <----- <--X--
The connection between Alpha and Bravo and Charlie as it is currently
ProxyCommand ssh -q system.bravo nc localhost 1081
Alpha Bravo <---------------------------------------- Charlie
AUTOSSH -R 1081:localhost:22
-----> = An allowed connection via SSH
--X--> = A blocked connection, only reverse SSH possible
Does anyone have a solution on how I can accomplish this keeping in mind the required proxy command and reverse SSH tunnel between System Bravo and System Charlie?
Thanks so much
PS: I hope my diagram helps, sorry that it is not a real image
tunnel or would you consider using a Point-To-Point vpn liketincd
? It is very powerful replacement for engineering complex ssh tunnels like this. Secret sharing is the same as with SSH, nodes need to know direct neighbor public key, but are routable to outside nodes if you let it. In principle you could use vpn to setup the link for ssh port only and still use SOCKS for the actual webserver proxy.