I have a Windows host system, running an Ubuntu Linux guest. I have set up a shared folder, which uses the vboxsf filesystem.

The RW-Flag of Windows files does not map to the Linux guest though. Files are always writable. Is it possible to change that? E.g. does using a SMB share help? Can I configure vboxsf to do the mapping?

  • Have you seen this ? Is it different from what you want to achieve ? stackoverflow.com/questions/26740113/… Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 7:25
  • Yes, this is different. It concerns accessing the vboxsf at all from the guest. I have managed to do that. My problem is that the Windows "Read only" flag of a file does not map to Linux file permissions (e.g. it should map to 0440 or r--r----- instead of 0660 rw-rw----).
    – Arne
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 7:34
  • 1
    I think SMB is your best option. Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 7:49

1 Answer 1


The solution I have now followed is using an SMB share.

I have added a second host-only network interface to the guest system. On this interface I have bound the Samba server, which shares the needed folder with the Windows host system. This way I have all the features I need.


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