I want to access from one user/client combination (say, user1@cl) to a user/server combination (say, user2@srv) via ssh, with two different types of Access:

  1. Access type #1 would be restricted to interactions with a bazaar repository. For this, I added a line (#1) in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys like

    command="bzr serve --inet --directory=/repodir --allow-writes",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa ... user1@cl
  2. Access type #2 would be a login shell. For this, I added a "usual" line (#2) in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys like

    ssh-rsa ... user1@cl

As I understand, and as I tested, both lines cannot be used simultaneously. I.e., if line #1 appears first in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys, then I would be able to interact with the bzr repo, but I will not be able to do

[user1@cl]$ ssh user2@srv

If line #2 appears first in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys, then I would be able to do ssh, but any bzr operation gives

bzr: ERROR: Not a branch ...

Is there any way to work this out?

I am using RHEL7, but I guess this is not important.

Related posts (but not addressing my case, as I understand):





  • Do ssh-keys are the same for bzr and for login sessions?
    – mrc02_kr
    Sep 1, 2017 at 12:21
  • Generate two keys for user1, use one for bazaar and the other for shell access. Sep 1, 2017 at 15:10
  • @SatōKatsura - Would you mind expanding? I would use two different key pairs. But then, 1) How would the client and the server know which to use? I am not finding this anywhere. Sep 1, 2017 at 17:00

2 Answers 2

  1. On your client machine generate two keys for user1, say /home/user1/key1 and /home/user1/key2. If you don't have particularly strong security concerns you might give an empty password to one of them, say to key1.
  2. Copy both keys to the server with ssh-copy-id:

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/key1 [email protected]
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/key2 [email protected]

    Login with both of them, to make sure they work:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/key1 [email protected]
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/key2 [email protected]
  3. On the server edit your ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys, and add command="bzr ..." to the first key.

  4. Back on the client machine edit a file ~user1/.ssh/config, and add aliases for both keys. Something like this:

    Host alias1
        HostName        server.example.com
        User            user2
        IdentityFile    /home/user1/.ssh/key1
        ControlPath     ~/.ssh/ctl1-%u-%r-%h-%p
        ControlMaster   auto
        ControlPersist  5m
    Host alias2
        HostName        server.example.com
        User            user2
        IdentityFile    /home/user1/.ssh/key2
  5. Now use bzr+ssh://alias1 for bazaar, and ssh alias2 for a login shell.

Further edit ~/.ssh/config to suit your needs, the syntax is the same as for /etc/ssh/ssh_config. That's about all.


I made it work, with two different key pairs (say, pair 1 for bzr and pair 2 for ssh login). I added the corresponding lines in ~user2/.ssh/authorized_keys. The private key 1 was stored in file id_rsa (which is read by default), and the private key 2 was stored in file id_rsa_ssh.

Then, bzr was working normally, and for logging in I use

[user1@cl]$ ssh -i id_rsa_ssh user2@srv

which indicates using an alternative identity.

  • You could have one Host section as an "alias" for each of the two use cases in ~/.ssh/config. The sections would point to the same HostName but use different IdentityFile.
    – Kusalananda
    Sep 1, 2017 at 17:51

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