I run virtual servers behind a firewall on three different machines (each machine servers different domains, it is NOT A CLUSTER). To renew Let's Encrypt certificates automatically I need the proxy to send requests to three different servers based on domain names.
+--------+ +-------------+
| +----->| domain1.com |
| | +-------------+
| | +-------------+
domain1,2,3.com-->443-->| proxy +----->| domain2.com |
| | +-------------+
| | +-------------+
| +----->| domain3.com |
+--------+ +-------------+
The proxy is relayd on OpenBSD. I followed this guide (exactly the same situation) to set up regular web services with HTTP: https://serverfault.com/questions/856807/openbsd-how-to-use-relayd-and-httpd-for-redirecting-subdomain-requests
But it seems different for SSL with HTTPS. It seems like I have to install the SSL certificates both at the proxy and at the web server serving the domain.
- Can anyone suggest a propper syntax for that?
- Can I serve ports 80 and 443 at the same time for the same machines? Thank you.