I want dd an image and save it to remote using tftp for example I'm trying to do
"dd if=/dev/mtd2" | save it to tftp server.
the direction of the file I have used in that code is wrong I'm trying my best to learn how it can be, this is the wrong code I made my self I mean half of it :'(
"dd if=/dev/mtd2" | tftp -l -p RootFS.bin | dd of=File.bin
also if it's possible to transfer multiple folders and save it as one file on tftp for e.g I want to copy given below
/ #
or these directories
bin dev etc lib mnt opt proc root sbin sys tmp usr var
and save it as
tftp server
My wrong code is
tftp -l /bin && /dev/ && /etc/ && /lib/ && /mnt/ && /opt/ && /proc/ && /root/ && /sbin/ && /sys/ && /tmp/ && / usr/ && /var/ -r Linux.bin -p