I need to post data like this to an open telnet

  "context" : "50EF2767",
  "data" : {
    "user_status" : "invisible"
  "command" : "setStatus"

The data is multiline. I cannot copy-paste it, as telnet treats new lines as Enter.

I tried http://telnet-online.net/ and it works fine Strips new lines

But I need this for localhost.

Is there any telnet client or any way to allow to post multiline data?

1 Answer 1


Try netcat (nc). See http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/04/nc-command-examples/?utm_source=feedburner for examples on how to use it.

  • Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried nc localhost 8080 Thought it allows to post multiline, it strips brackets So I post ``` { "context" : "50EF2767", "data" : { "user_status" : "invisible" }, "command" : "setStatus" } ``` but the server recievs ``` "context" : "50EF2767", "data" : { "user_status" : "invisible" }, "command" : "setStatus" ``` Any suggestion? Thanks. Commented Jul 18, 2017 at 9:10
  • Well, it basically works if prepending and postpending my data with new lines. There is a minor problem that if prepending a newline, it posts 2 messages - empty line and then the data. But without prepending it doesn't post the first bracket { Commented Jul 18, 2017 at 9:21

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