When I try to execute this file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Shiginima Launcher
Exec=java -jar /home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/Shiginima\ Launcher\ SE\ v3.100.jar

with gtk-launch, it starts loading and after it crash (without opening).

Furthermore if I execute the .desktop file (the same file) inside a terminal, it return an output like this:

/home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/launcher.desktop: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
/home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/launcher.desktop: line 4: Launcher: command not found
/home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/launcher.desktop: line 6: -jar: command not found

How can I fix it?

If it can be useful: my screenfetch

  • 3
    Your "furthermore" test is just telling you that .desktop files aren't shell scripts, and can't be executed as such - a more useful test would be whether you can execute java -jar /home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/Shiginima\ Launcher\ SE\ v3.100.jar in a terminal Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 0:01
  • Although preceding the .desktop file proper with #!/usr/bin/xdg-open does work and is quite a fun thing I hadn't thought about until now...
    – Christian
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 0:14
  • @Christian I added this line as first line, now no errors on the terminal (no output) but it does not work anyway. Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 17:29
  • Did you try just getting rid of the backslashes that escape the spaces?
    – Christian
    Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 14:43
  • with both java -jar "/home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/Shiginima Launcher SE v3.100.jar" and java -jar /home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/Shiginima Launcher SE v3.100.jar it does not work Commented Jul 16, 2017 at 17:00

2 Answers 2


Like the comments told you, your test is only showing that the .desktop is not a shell script. That's why you get all those errors aswell as why you get the -jar command not found since in that test you actually set a variable "exec"="java" afterwards the shell tries to run -jar which it doesn't find.

So first of all try

 java -jar /home/edoardo/Scrivania/Giochi/Minecraft/Shiginima\ Launcher\ SE\ v3.100.jar

If that doesn't work you might need to look into that first of all.

Also you can set your Terminal=true for now, so you actually get an output when you click on the .desktop file so you are able to see what is happening.

  • The command in the Exec parameter works fine but if I set Terminal=true nothing change. Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 17:32

I'm using XFCE with Linux Mint. But I noticed that when I opened the file Properties of the .desktop file... it was saying: "Opening with text editor".. anyway it was fully broken.

So naturally you might want to drag & drop the desktop file to to your terminal to check for more info. But that would NOT work. Since you can't execute a .desktop file within your terminal. This is why it shows you the errors you got in your terminal output.

Instead. I check the application/x-desktop MIME type in the "Default Applications" app. Which is set to a wrong value.

I opened the /home/$USER/.config/mimeapps.list file and manually removed the application/x-desktop= line from this file (under the "[Default Applications]" section).

I also removed the application/x-desktop= line under the "[Added Associations]" section.

Finally, I saved the file again.

Then I updated the mime.cache by running the command:

sudo update-desktop-database

Apparently the default application under XFCE at least is "Create launcher on panel"? Which I still find uh.. incorrect.

enter image description here

Ps. In some cases you might want to try to enable "Run in terminal" at your launcher settings.


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