I have one folder with 2000 PDF files on a Mac. Using the command line, I would like to move each 100 PDFs to another folder to be created in the same directory. So that I would have 20 folders (named 1, 2, etc.) each containing 100 PDFs in the main directory. How can I achieve that?
2 Answers
You could use set
, process batches of 100 files via "${@:START:COUNT}"
(range of positional parameters) and shift 100
while incrementing a counter c
to create the directories:
set -- *.pdf
while (($#)); do
mkdir ${c}
if [ $# -ge 100 ]; then
mv -- "${@:1:100}" ${c}
shift 100
mv -- "${@}" ${c}
shift $#
Thank you, don_crissti. This script did exactly what I was looking for.– Til HundCommented Jul 13, 2017 at 22:34
I have just written below bash script for your specific problem. This may help you.
num_of_total_file=$(ls | grep "pdf" | wc -l)
echo "Total number of pdf files = $num_of_total_file"
echo "Total number of folder will generated if not exist $num_of_total_folder"
# create directories if not exist
for (( i = 0; i < $num_of_total_folder; i++ )); do
if [[ ! -d $i ]]; then
mkdir $i
# file name format should be like this <arbitrary_numb>-<folder_num>.pdf
for file in *.pdf; do
prefix=$(echo $file | awk '{split($0, a, "-"); print a[2]}' | awk '{split($0, a, "."); print a[1]}')
if [[ -d $prefix ]]; then
mv $file $prefix
Thank you very much for posting, Talayhan. I looks good. However, it does not move any PDF to the newly created folders. The result of running your script is that it creates to me a folder 0 and folder 1 (when testing it with exactly 200 PDF), but all PDF are still in the main directory. The might be something not quite there yet with the last part of the script. Note that the correct result for the given test should be that folder 0 and folder 1 have each 100 PDF. Folder 0 the first 100, folder 1 the last 100 PDF.– Til HundCommented Jul 13, 2017 at 19:07
. The second number changes.453041477-<n>.pdf
and you want to put them in numerical order by n, then move each subsequent group of 100 in a different directory?