I am in need of tools to verify data integrity of local harddrives, usb-drives, etc.
I am looking for a solution like the famous www.heise.de/download/h2testw or something that is at least common within repositories. (h2testw writes a specific datastring over and over onto the medium, then reads it again to verify if it was written correctly and displays write/read time/speed.)
I am not looking for
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdx bs=1k && dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/null bs=1k
since it won't verify if everything was written correctly. It is only a test if read/write is successful to the device.
So far, I'm not too happy with
badblocks -w -v /dev/sdx1
either, since it seems very slow, and I don't know what it exactly writes, and if it considers wear-leveling on flash media.
There is a program named F3 http://oss.digirati.com.br/f3/ that needs to be compiled. Designed after h2testw, the concept sounds interesting, I'd just rather have it a pre-packaged binary.
seems unbelievably slow. Maybe something that writes a random block of xMB over and over, then verifies each copy via md5? no idea if that would be practical...