I am trying to set up a Linux bridge to connect a physical radio (N210) to ns3 via a TAP. The radio is plugged into Ethernet (epn0s25) and I have tried the following console commands:
sudo brctl addbr bridge0
sudo tunctl -t tap0
sudo ifconfig tap0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01
sudo ifconfig tap0 up
sudo brctl addif bridge0 tap0
sudo brctl addif bridge0 epn0s25
sudo ifconfig mybridge netmask up
However pinging epn0s25 or bridge0 results in no activity on the other side. showstp
on bridge0 shows tap0 is disabled so I think that may be the problem but I am unsure how to fix it.
interface is one end of an application which processes network packets. Which application do you plan to connect to the tap interface? The question looks a bit like you are trying to do something else, what exactly is your goal? Isns3
a network namespace? If yes, what prevents you from just movingepn0s25
into the network namespace?sudo ifup br0
, it worked the first time, no issues