I've a CSV file that contains about 25 columns. Some rows of the file contain 26 columns, so that I want to search for the lines that contain that extra column and remove it to be able to use awk with the whole file.
Fields are separated by ; Semicolon. The extra column is in the format of VARNAME="Text is here" and the value "text is here" is arbitrary text.
I managed to remove the VARNAME from all lines but I can't explore a pattern that matches the arbitrary value (the quoted text).
My target is, find lines with that extra column (VARNAME="Text is here") and remove it.
Current file:
ROW1: VAR1:"Value 1";VAR2="Value 2";VAR3="Value 3"
ROW2: VAR1:"Value 4";VAR2="Value 5";VAREXT="Different Values";VAR3="Value 6"
Target File should be:
ROW1: VAR1:"Value 1";VAR2="Value 2";VAR3="Value 3"
ROW2: VAR1:"Value 4";VAR2="Value 5";VAR3="Value 6"